Monday, January 03, 2011

A democrat I would vote for: Newark Mayor Corey Booker.

This is a man who is a political LEADER.

CDR Salamander sums it up for me:
Leaders run towards the fire. They move towards the flooding. They attack in to the ambush. They solve problems - they don't react to them. They don't complain - they educate by their actions.
Mayor Booker commands respect by LEADING, not managing. We are not possessed of such men around here.

I don't know his politics. I don't really care. What I care about is that he put his butt on the line when so many I can think of would have just stayed home.

Take a moment and read about the kind of leader that used to make this country great.

He did naturally what real leaders always do.

He ran to the fire.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor.

1 comment:

  1. This is why I say the 'D' or 'R' after the name isn't as important as the caliber of the person.

    It is supposed to be what the TEA Party movement was about.

    As we saw in Clark County and the 3rd CD, it is not what happened in the last election.


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