Monday, January 10, 2011

The award of the Medal of Honor doesn't keep you from becoming a total idiot: democrat Sen. Bob Kerrey

The repeal of Obamacare played a role in the assclown shooting people in Arizona.

Really. Check it out at around the 2:25 mark. "It's one of the reasons this guy was angry..."

To date, there is absolutely nothing to suggest that Obamacare had anything to do with this guy's determination to shoot a Congresswoman or anyone else.

Sen. Kerrey should know better. The leftists should know better. We should ALL know better.

H/T Chicks on the Right..


  1. Just one more pathetic effort to tie this loon to the right.

    Divide and conquer is once again showing itself.

    But, this time, the right isn't taking the bait is pushing back.

  2. It is so clear that the gunman was mentally ill. How in the world could anyone connect this unfortunate and tortured soul with the politically conservative? This has nothing to do with politics, it has everything to do with emotional instability and brain chemistry problems. However, to quote Rahm Emanuel, never let a good crisis go to waste, eh boys? It's pitiful and sad. We should be praying for the victims and their families, not squabbling like a flock of chickens in the barnyard.


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