Thursday, August 19, 2010

Marvin Case on Steve "Easy Money" Stuart and tolling.

Marvin Case, for the few who don't know, was the "all-everything" at The Reflector for many years. While I don't agree with him about everything (Marvin has expressed a mystifying rabid support of the organized crime establishment known as the Cowlitz Megacasino, for example) he was and remains a force to be reckoned with in this community.

It seems that the new ownership continues to extend the hospitality of the Reflector and has provided Mr. Case with the role of Publisher Emeritus. That is a smart decision.

In this week's observations, Marvin talks about the issue of tolls on the unwanted and unneeded I-5 bridge replacement. In those observations is the following:
It’s safe to say that tolls would be increased on I-5/I-205 as time goes by. Stuart says he will support tolls if county residents find them to be acceptable. Stuart seeks an accurate assessment of public opinion on the topic through either a vote or rigorous survey.

This, of course, is a flat out lie from Stuart.

If he actually believed this, he would have joined with Tom Mielke the several times Mielke has attempted to get an advisory vote on the ballot.

Like the rest of the downtown mafia, Stuart doesn't give a damn what the people want. The LAST thing Stuart wants is to have proof of what he already knows: the people of Clark County don't want this crap pile. We don't want the billions of dollars in debt. We don't want a $100,000,000 hole blown in our local economy for the rest of our lives.

Stuart is no idiot. Corrupt? Most likely. An idiot?

If the people came out swinging against this project, Stuart would be forced to act or be held accountable for getting people like fellow democrat Tim "The Liar" Leavitt elected... the same Leavitt who scammed the voters into actually believing the lie that he opposed tolls.

There is no "rigorous survey" that could possibly exceed the accuracy of a vote. Stuart knows that.

A vote would cost a few thousand dollars more for an item added to the ballot to be counted in the general election this November.

Stuart knows that as well; yet he's done absolutely nothing to make either of those things happen.

He reminds me of the people who lived across the street from the ancestral estates of the Count of Dachau. They claimed they had no IDEA what went on there.

Well, like Stuart, if they don't know, it's because they didn't want to know.

Stuart is going to get that bridge built for the downtown mafia come hell or high water. His backers demand it, the blood-sucking unions demand it, and his fellow democrats demand it. And if 65,000 people and their families get screwed with a toll Stuart demands that we pay, well that's just too damned bad for us, since HE won't have to pay that toll to go to work, and neither will 99% of the rest of the people cheerleading for this, the most massive waste of money for light rail in the history of this planet.


  1. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Hey CCP, You might want to pull out the popcorn and watch a little bit of Light Rail fireworks.

    Jump ahead to about 25 minutes in or so.

  2. Unfortunately, it's going to have to wait until Sunday, but based on the URL, I think it might be little ol' me.

  3. Anonymous2:25 AM

    CCP, the war wasn't started by you.But you might want to watch it later after your event his weekend.

    This video is about the local city of vancouver council meeting about two weeks back.

    This past week it was Leapin' Larry and Jeanne Harris going off. And boy, I have NEVER seen her that hot. Not even facing Betty Sue Morris.

    But hey, this is what you get to live with in the city of Donut holes for Budgets.

  4. I apologize for the mislabeling.

    But I'll go toe to toe with all of them put together, like i have for the past 20 years.

  5. I apologize for the mislabeling.

    But I'll go toe to toe with all of them put together, like i have for the past 20 years.


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