Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Liar, wild about loot rail, ought to check out Sound Transit.

From the Washington Policy Blog:

Sound Transit officials missed their ridership target by almost 1000 percent!

During this one year anniversary of light rail, Sound Transit officials keep bragging about how they have carried six million riders since it opened. That is about 16,000 trips per day.

In 1996, Sound Transit officials promised voters the line would be complete by 2006 and carry about 107,000 trips per day. That means Sound Transit should be celebrating its four year anniversary, carrying over 100 million trips by today.

Sound Transit officials missed their ridership target by almost 1000 percent!

Like the massive waste of money The Liar had advocated for all along while lying during his campaign, BILLIONS of dollars have been and will be wasted for loot rail by Sound Transit.

The Liar, who has been and will continue to hose us all along, should get a clue and see what's happened in real life.


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