Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Columbian launches their "Save Tim 'The Liar' Leavitt from himself" campaign.

As I mentioned below, I went to that bizarro world or Tim "The Liar" leavitt last night to watch him try and squirm out of his lies and deceit.

It didn't work.

Predictably, much of the response to his cowardice didn't make the cut in our local cancer of a paper.

Following along in their efforts to rehab "Cowardman" Brian Baird and Jim "Candy Man" Moeller, the rag deliberately left out telling and ardent specific responses to The Liar's incompetence.

No mention in he article of the articulate and well supported plea for an advisory vote... a vote that The Liar said "wouldn't serve any purpose."

Leavitt town hall turns rambunctious on tolling protests

Attendees vent anger on many issues; some say it crossed
the line

This worthless article focused on the heat aimed at The Liar, but not the light.

Nothing about the specific concerns. Just a focus on the anger without using the word "betrayed."

The whining about civility. How civil was The Liar's betrayal of those who believed in him?

Of COURSE the crowd was angry. They just discovered what I knew all along: that The Liar had swindeled many of them out of their vote.

But the fact is that, for one example, the concern and suggestions about an advisory vote so we could all have a voice?

This article didn't even write a syllable about that. Why, other than being angry, this waste of ink would lead someone who hadn't been there to believe that no one even asked. And, in keeping with their "Save Leavitt" campaign, there wasn't a scintilla of The Liar's response: that such a vote "wouldn't make any difference."

That, of course, was an inadvertant oversight on the part of this cancer on our local society.... wasn't it? It couldn't have had anything to do with the rag failing to talk to opposition to this massive waste, or not wanting anything like the "Will of the people" to get in the way of their agenda.... would it?

Cross posted at Tim Leavitt Watch.

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