Monday, June 07, 2010

So, why is Helen Thomas still allowed in the White House? Update: fired by her speakers bureau. Update 2: now just fired.

With any luck at all, we've seen the last of this fringe-left bigot:

Posted: June 7th, 2010 12:27 PM ET


Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas, 89, (pictured, center) was considered the dean of the White House press corps and held a privileged seat in the front row of the White House press briefing room. (Photo Credit: Getty Images/File)

Washington (CNN) – Longtime White House reporter Helen Thomas has retired effective immediately, Hearst Corporation said Monday.

The media conglomerate had employed Thomas, age 89, as a syndicated columnist for its newspaper chain.

Thomas, who was considered the dean of the White House press corps, had come under fire since late last week when a YouTube video surfaced showing her saying that Israel should “get the hell out of Palestine,” and that the Jewish people should go home to “Poland, Germany … and America and everywhere else.”

In a posting on her website last Friday, Thomas apologized for her remarks. “They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon,” she wrote.

But the apology was not enough to silence critics who began a rising chorus of calls for Thomas either to be terminated or suspended by Hearst.


Or why is that witch still employed by Hearst or anyone else?

Can you even begin to imagine what the fall out would have been if her anti-semetic babble had been uttered by a FOX reporter?

On May 27, 2010, outside a White House Jewish heritage event, Rabbi David Nesenoff asked Thomas her opinion of Israel:

“Rabbi Nessenoff: Any comments on Israel? We’re asking everybody today, any comments on Israel? Helen Thomas: Tell 'em to get the hell out of Palestine.

Nessenoff: Oh. Any better comments on Israel?

Thomas: Remember, these people are occupied, and it’s their land. It’s not Germany, and it’s not Poland.

Nessenoff: So where should they go and what should they do?

Thomas: They should go home.

Nessenoff: Where’s their home?

Thomas: Poland. Germany.

Nessenoff: So you’re saying the Jews should go back to Poland and Germany?

Thomas: And America and everywhere else.”

Thomas subsequently issued a statement of regret on her personal web site.
So, this bigot still has a job? This neo-nazi slimebag is still a reporter?

Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer ways in with a demand this sick gnome be fired.

She "has showed herself to be an anti-Semitic bigot."

I guess that just cements her position as the Dean of "Fringe Left Journalists." After all, what's a little confirmed biogotry between friends?


Thomas gets dropped by agency - On Media: Thomas gets dropped by agency

June 06, 2010
Thomas gets dropped by agency

Nine Speakers, the agency that represents Helen Thomas, has dropped her as a client. This comes in the wake of controversial remarks on the Middle East.

The notice, obtained by POLITICO:

It is with a heavy heart that Nine Speakers, Inc. announces its resignation as the agent for Helen Thomas, Dean of the White House Press Corps.

Ms. Thomas has had an esteemed career as a journalist, and she has been a trailblazer for women, helping others in her profession, and beyond.

However, in light of recent events, Nine Speakers is no longer able to represent Ms. Thomas, nor can we condone her comments on the Middle East.

Nine Speakers will continue to enthusiastically represent all of our other current and future clients.

1 comment:

  1. She just announced her retirement, "effective immediately."

    Helen Thomas Retires

    Good riddance!


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