Monday, June 07, 2010

Brandon Vick and the truth.

On May 22, I was an onlooker at the 18th District PCO meeting at the GOP headquarters in Hazel Dell.

It was a meeting that initially was planned to be part of the "winnowing process." Best known for the place where Jon Russell lied about his wife's job (He told us all she was a "physician." She is, in fact, a "physician's assistant.") an allegation I had been hearing about Russell as far back as his abortive congressional campaign, but had never heard myself... until that meeting.

But one of the questions asked of all the candidates present (Ann Rivers, Jon Russell and Brandon Vick) was this: how much money has your campaign put together?

Rivers, now showing over $37,000, indicated that she'd put together $33,000 or so at the time.

Vick indicated $8,100. Russell, "about $10,000."

The problem is this:

Vick lied.

At the time he was standing in front of us, according to his just filed PDC report, he had raised $6,055. He overstated the amount he'd raised by 25%. (As of this writing, he shows a total from all sources of $6,730.)

Now, I can see fudging the figure a little. But 25%? Why would he lie to all of the PCO's about how much money he had raised?

In fact, after the meeting was over, I even asked him: Brandon, you raised $8,100? After you only raised $300 in all of April?

He told me that things were looking up, or had picked up... or some such. Well, given that at the moment in question, he had only raised $440 to the 22nd of May, that was something of an increase over all of April.

But it wasn't $8,100.

I recently took him to task for some of his campaign language. He hasn't responded.

I like Brandon. Always have. But in reality, he has only raised $3,865 in cash. And you have to do better than that. If you can't do better than that, then you really ought to get out, because anything else is a delusion... especially when you have to lie about it.

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