Friday, June 18, 2010

So, the Columbian quotes this blog, but won't acknowledge or link to it?

One of the reasons I despise the local cancer on our society is that while they appear all too willing to use this blog as a source of information and quotes, they refuse to extend me the courtesy I always extend them: namely, a link to this location.

We already know Lou Brancaccio hates blogging... how many times has he written columns denigrating bloggers as a source of information?

Gee, was it all that long ago that THIS blog broke the story and provided proof in the form of the FBI report proving that Baird's no town hall meetings due to threats scam was just that: a scam... only to have the hemorrhoid of journalism come back two weeks later and do a story on that issue... even though they clearly got the information from me, and then did a rapid FOIA to the FBI like I had so they could act like they hadn't got the information from me? (After printing dozens of stories doing damage control for Baird as if he was paying them)

There are reasons this rag is so reviled; they include their agenda driven plan to stuff loot rail down our throats and saddle us with billions in debt to bring that project into Clark County, a debt none of THEM will have to pay for (Rank hypocrite, Lou. Look it up.) there support of the Nazi-like efforts of the city of Vancouver to silence those who wanted downtown redevelopment put to a vote, a redevelopment that keeps us buried in debt while using taxpayer subsidies for the Hilton... support of the fringe left candidates like Jom Moeller, now known as then "Candy Man" because of his moronic "M&M's are taxable but Twix candy is not" bill, a bill these idiots TWICE condemned... without ever naming Moeller as the sponsor?

But one of the big reasons I wouldn't use these scum to wrap my fish is this:

A local blogger posted a photo of the cannibalized sign and asserted, "Clearly, this was done by a Bittner supporter," then went on to admonish the 18-year-old that "Damaging political signs is a criminal offense."

Bittner demanded a retraction , writing on the blog, "It is NOT clearly an Anthony Bittner supporter. Vandalism is a criminal offense but so is slander, keep that in mind."

Could these slimeballs acknowledge WHICH "local blogger?" Nope.

That's asinine for the reasons previously mentioned, and totally moronic because they didn't use the picture they were talking about, apparently forgetting that a picture is, in fact, worth a thousand words.

The reasons for this are obvious. They know that I believe their paper to be damaging our community with their leftist bent. They know that I have attacked them, and will continue to attack them for using their rag to bludgeon those who disagree with them. They have banned me from commenting on their "stories," but then can't seem to stay away from, and use MY blog as a source of their own stories... which perhaps illustrates better than most the hypocrisy that is the editorial policy of this crap pile.

My tracking software shows multiple visits to this blog on a typically daily basis by the paper. But they obviously fear what I have to say.

So, here's a clue: you don't link to this blog?

They you are hereby denied permission to use anything, in any form, posted here.

Does that help you?

Do we understand each other? Good.

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