Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The paper blows it again: In our view: 'NO!' to Bullies

I hate the idea of bullies.... particularly of the government variety.

But I understand that bullying is a problem, both in our schools and in our lives generally.

What I cannot and will not support, however, is the expansion of school authority beyond the school grounds or into our families.

Schools have already taken it upon themselves to arrange abortions for our children. That the state has, apparently, provided them with the authority to revoke our parental rights as a matter of policy is the thing; and now this paper advocates an ever-expanding role and authority for schools under the guise of combating "bullying."

Let me reiterate: I hate the very idea of bullying. But I hate the school abusing their authority as arbiter of what is, and what is not bullying, even more.

Schools are not run or staffed by saints. Their judgment is not superior to mine or yours or anyone else's.

So, when the local paper babbles:
That’s why schools must be vigilant to signs of bullying, both on the school grounds and beyond.

I have to stand up and say "Bull."

"Beyond" the school grounds is beyond the school's authority.

Schools should be active in protecting their students while on school grounds. For example, it seems that schools should be more concerned about taking steps to protect 7 year old 2nd graders at school science fairs.

But at the edge of the school grounds, the role of our schools cannot be anything more than advisory. And while our local cancer of our community is all about expanding government and incurring massive indebtedness when it suits their agenda, *I* am all about ending the concept of giving schools, or government, or anyone else the right to bully us.

Like allowing school authority to go "beyond" school grounds.

1 comment:

  1. David Standal8:14 PM

    It's just an excuse for the government to take over the role...


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