Monday, June 14, 2010

Anthony Bittner swings by: seems a little upset.

Yesterday, I published a post that included the following observations:

Over the past 48 hours, hundreds of dollars worth of signs, primarilly but not exclusively those of Ann Rivers, have been destroyed or damaged in the Salmon
Creek - Hazel Dell area.

Oddly, most of these signs are located next to Anthony Bittner signs. Here's an example of their work:

Clearly, this was done by a Bittner supporter, and is representative of most of the damage done.

So, here's the deal, Anthony:

Damaging political signs is a criminal offense. Criminal. You hear what I'm saying?

I've been doing campaigns for over 20 years. I've run into this garbage before.

People have been arrested. NO ONE'S campaign who has EVER been connected with this kind of garbage has either won, or had any political future.

To whoever is doing this: Grow up. because the next sign trashed may very well be under photo surveilance.

Know what I mean?

For more information, go to Ann River's facebook page.

In response to this post yesterday, I found this appended to the post:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would ask that you please retract the statement in your latest post regarding sign vandalism. It is NOT clearly an Anthony Bittner supporter. Vandalism is a criminal offense but so is slander, keep that in mind.

Anthony Bittner. 921 XXXX 12:43 PM

Do not arm wrestle with me, young man... you will lose.

First of all, for your general fount of information,"slander" is a deliberate spoken untruth... "Libel" is a deliberate written untruth. Learn the difference.

Second, that I conclude that the moron who damaged these signs supports you in no way libels OR slanders YOU, or anyone else, for that matter.

Third, Washington State has no CRIMINAL LIBEL statute: RCW 9.58.010 was declared unconstitutional in 2008 and repealed by 2009 c 88 Sec 1.

You want to go fist city with me? Go get your lawyer and bring it on.

You want me to post a denial from you and support for repairing all signs out there?

Then you ask. You don't demand, particularly when it's clear that you don't know what you're talking about.

Meanwhile, perhaps you should focus on the more mundane issues... like filing your PDC's in a timely manner, a place where YOU have violated the law.

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