Sunday, May 16, 2010

When the Columbian starts with a lie, then everything after that is also a lie.

In the unending, unceasing propaganda campaign that is the lie the Columbian propagates, namely, the unneeded, unwanted and unnecessary I-5 Bridge replacement/Loot rail project is a "drastic" need and "...action is long overdue," today's moronic, more of the same pap on that subject has lessened to the level of background noise.

One of the very biggest of the many holes in our local cancer on our community's position is the very issue of how badly, or not, this bridge replacement is needed.

That so many disagree; that no consensus has been or will be achieved; that this issue has not been put to a vote of the people stands as a proof that, well, the conclusion that their is a "drastic" need to replace the I-5 Bridge is false, and the local paper's following of the Goebbelian Philosophy; to wit: If you tell a lie often enough, loud enough and long enough, it becomes the truth, has done nothing to change that.

The paper knows this. Their failed agenda for loot rail is the only reason these clowns are demanding that this county indebt itself to the tune of $100,000,000 per year for the rest of my life... monies these charlatans will rarely if ever have to pay (And yes, I always notice that those wailing the loudest are the ones who will have to pay the least to nothing in this multi-billion dollar waste) but moneys that the commuting public WILL have to pay, to the tune of $1300 or so EACH, for EACH year they're commuting.

So, visiting consultants (which means, come to think of it, THEY won't have to pay anything for this bridge/loot rail project either) came by and said this? So what? You could get a group of visiting orangutans to say that. What about it?

There has never been an argument made, compelling or otherwise, that justifies replacing the I-5 Bridge and adding the hated waste of money known as loot rail to it.

Since replacing the bridge will do absolutely nothing to increase freight mobility or decrease congestion, than it pretty much looks like we're screwed. And dumping billions of dollars on top of that will not unscrew us any the better.

The undeniable idiocy of the paper is that for the same money for this bridge and loot rail, we could build two additional bridges that would do a great deal to relieve congestion while enhancing freight mobility over the current I-5 bridge by relieving pressure on that bridge.

The paper knows that as well, but their obsession with getting loot rail in here keeps them from acknowledging that, and keeps them from demanding this issue be put to a county wide vote.

Because like the rest of the downtown mafia, they will be damned if they'll allow a little thing like the will of the people to stand in their way.

And when it comes to the unintelligibly stupid idea that we should "keep listening to out-of-towners" who won't have to pay for this steaming pile... and only because they agree with this trash heaps agenda, well... that speaks for itself.

Because there are two things absolutely guaranteed in this editorial:

If these people had come in and disagree with this despicable rag, you'd have never heard a peep from them or about them.

Wasting billions on a project that will not do what these morons want it to do speaks for itself. Remembering the loot rail and the fact that the biggest cheer leaders for this rubbish won't have to pay for it is the crowning factor in all of this.

And the Chinese water torture of unsupportable propaganda by this rag won't ever change that.

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