Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Columbian fails to master cause and effect: They endorsed Moeller, condemn his idiotic candy bill...

... fail to understand that it was THEIR guy that pushed this idiocy...

... and then failed to mention idiotic stick in their rant:
Jeers: To the state’s new candy tax, which takes effect June 1. Even someone without a sweet tooth can find something to hate in this new tax, recently enacted by the state Legislature as part of a package of budget-balancing gimmicks. One of the biggest problems is defining “candy,” which, according to the state, is made with “sugar, honey, or other natural or artificial sweeteners combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts or other ingredients or flavorings and formed into bars, drops or pieces. …”
Clear on that? Three Musketeers chocolate bars are taxed. Starburst fruit chews, too. But, wait. Nestle’s Crunch is exempt, along with Milky Way bars and Twizzlers. They all contain flour, so they aren’t candy. To figure out which sweets are taxed, the Department of Revenue has examined the ingredients of 3,000 food items, placing some on the tax rolls and others on the exempt list. We wonder how much that cost, even as we wish lawmakers remembered what our mom always said: Candy isn’t very nutritious.
Lew Waters has the low down.

How weird is this? How unethical? How much of a tank job is it when this paper condemns legislation without mentioning the one responsible for it?


They not only fail to mention that MOELLER SPONSORED AND PUSHED THIS BILL THEY HATE SO MUCH, they naturally fail to mention that he's a democrat, representing the district where this paper is located... or that they've endorsed him for every election he's run.

These chickens are coming home to roost, and this kind of pap is the best this cancer on our community can do?.

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