Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A suggestion for Arizona's response to the moronic "boycotts."

We all know what's gone on in Arizona: The federal government has been failing to enforce laws concerning illegal aliens for years, and the people of Arizona (not to mention the people of this country) are sick of it and have had enough.

Arizona, unfortunately for them, borders the agonizing, unending train wreck that is California. As a result of that moronic bigotry on the part of LA, were I in Arizona's legislature, I would introduce legislation tomorrow morning to end all contracts of any kind with any entity located in California. In short, I would launch a counter-boycott.

Compared to California, Arizona's economy is Heaven on earth. I would embark on a series of policies that would cause business in California to re-locate into Arizona at warp speed. I would use any incentive possible short of government subsidies to get these businesses to close down and move to where sanity reigns: Arizona.

I know that I, personally, will do no business of any kind with any company located in CA. I will not buy their products, vacation, transit or in any way set foot anywhere in the entirety of the state.

Taking it a step further, I would cut off any state funding to any city or municipality WITHIN Arizona moronic enough to challenge this law.

Any city engaging in this nonsensical crap would be put on my "Do Not Patronize" list. Hopefully, I will be joined by 49 other states and millions of others in telling LA to stick it in their ear.

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