Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Rossi Conundrum: to run for the senate... or hang on for the governorship.

Sources in the senate have told me late last night that two senate staffers who were going to take a leave of absence for the Rossi campaign cancelled them today.

Rossi is caught between the rock and a hard place. "Everyone" has indicated that Rossi would really, really, rather be Governor. With the rules for a situation like this, if Obama would actually be moronic enough to pick our disaster of a governor for solicitor general, the question would be one of timing.

As explained by the Swing State Project, here's the scenario:

• WA-Gov: The rumor du jour is that Chris Gregoire is now on the short list to become Solicitor General, assuming Elena Kagan gets promoted to the SCOTUS. Allow me to say: bad idea, if only because it means at least several months of Governor Brad Owen. Under Washington law, though, Owen wouldn't serve for long, as a special election would be held. The timeline varies, depending on when Gregoire might quit as Governor. If it happens before May 31, a primary would be held, followed by a two-person general in November. If it happens after May 31 but before October 3, it would result in a jungle-style election in November. And if it happens after October 3, we'd be blessed with two full years of Owen. One other major wrinkle: if this looks like it has legs, it may shut the door on a Dino Rossi run for the Senate, as it's a poorly-kept secret that he'd really prefer another gubernatorial run rather than wasting his third strike on getting pasted by Patty Murray, and this would be the way for him to do it.
So, why would these two people cancel their leave of absence?

Dunno. Fascinating to ponder tho, eh?

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