Monday, April 12, 2010

The stupidity of Steve "Easy Money, Mr. Barnett" Stuart never ceases to amaze: A "scientific survey?"

Followers of my meager effort here in blog land know that I hold Clark County Commissioner Steve "cold hard cash, Mr. Barnett" Stuart in utter contempt.

the reasons for that are many, but at the bed rock of it is his confirmed corruption with David Barnett buying him his position as a county commissioner, and his monumental arrogance in working double overtime to slam us with a multi-billion dollar waste of union pay offs and economic heart ache for Clark County by scamming us with a bridge replacement with the cursed, unwanted and unneeded loot rail that is the basis for the bridge replacement in the first place.

So, what's the basis for his inanity today?


Fellow county Commissioner Steve Stuart, a Democrat who represents the regional transportation council on a crossing advisory committee formed by Gov. Chris Gregoire and Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski, has been pushing for a scientifically valid survey to probe residents’ willingness to support the project.

Stuart envisions the survey will probe residents’ support based upon the costs in terms of tolling rates and benefits in terms of time saved in commuting. Officials with the bistate crossing office have pledged to conduct a survey, probably before the federal government publishes a formal record of decision by the end of this year.

So, let's get this straight.

We have the way to get THE most accurate, scientific survey available for the least amount of money.

It's called a VOTE. It costs an estimated $3000.


This is a lame effort on Stuart's part to try and attempt to make people believe he actually gives a damn about what the people of this county want.

When a ballot comes back overwhelmingly rejecting this hemorrhoid on the butt of the people of this county, that can't be controlled or spun. Also, Stuart and every other candidate would have to take public positions on this horrific cancer.

But another in the series of private polls, spun by those paying for it?

Not nearly as good as what the voters would say.

Do not be fooled, folks. Neither Stuart nor Boldt want to hear what we have to say in any meaningful way, because what we have to say does not fit with their agenda of wasted billions on tolls and bridge/light rail construction that we don't need or want.

And Stuart apparently thinks we're stupid and that we'll buy into his nonsensical crap. Much like his moronic whine about his idiotic plan for a never-gonna-happen Oregon tax break for commuters, Stuart wants to fool the voters like Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, (Let's remember, Stuart worked on Leavitt's campaign. Is it any wonder that he would lie and mislead the people the same way Leavitt did to get elected?) who actually scammed GOP'ers into believing he didn't want tolls, Stuart wants us to THINK he actually cares that the people of Clark County don't want this garbage.

You want to know what we want, Stuart?

Put it on the ballot. I double-dog dare you.

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