Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ready for a huge new sales tax? leftists to hammer our recovery further with a Value Added Tax.

AKA the "VAT," it's a charming little economy crippling number that will top each of the ACORN-in-Chief's myriad lies about those of us earning below $250,000 will not seeing our taxes go up "one dime," since they'd go up, perhaps, thousands of dimes in a given year.

I spent 6 years and 3 months in a charming locale possessed of this kind of nonsense known as "Germany." Social programs of all types, post-war guilt in spades. But a model for THIS country?

I think not.

So, here we have it. A crippled economy; massive (Being an understatement) debt, a business sector staggering under the horrific impacts of the clueless moron running the show, and now a crippling, regressive lie of a tax on top of everything else.

Killing this nation's economy. Enslaving untold generations.

Is this the "Hope" and "Change" you were looking for?

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