Friday, April 02, 2010

Herrera's support of SEIU begins to bite: Kool Aid drinking supporters are running scared.

Jamie Herrera is a tool for the SEIU. In her "defense," there's a blog post that has a copy of some sort of nonsensical wimpy attempt to excuse or justify this quite indicative sell out that Ridgefield Barbie, the fake Republican running in the 3rd Congressional District, actually did something that made sense.

It didn't.

Herrera cosponsored and voted for a bill that will unionize child care workers. For reasons I've already set forth, that is one of the worst imaginable ideas concerning the issue of day care, period. Further, she also VOTED AGAINST HER CAUCUS (The vote was 62 to 35 and most of those 35 were, well Republican... much like almost all of the 62 were, well, democrats)

But there is no excuse for cosponsoring a SEIU bill if you are to refer to yourself as a "conservative."

That any conservative would even consider voting for this cardboard cutout in the face of her support of SEIU... the same group supported by such luminaries as Barack Obama; Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Patty Murray, Barney Frank and the like supports... is admittedly a mystery to me.

Those people have something in common with our fake Republican. And what that "thing" is stands as a reason for her to never gain election to even the position of dog catcher.

Calling someone who would co-sponsor the SEIU bill a "conservative" is moronic. Deliberately failing to mention that little factoid as a part of your efforts to defend the indefensible?

That's something else. That's sordid. That's cowardly. That's fraud. And that's what Herrera supporters who either agree with her actions or support them while THEY masquerade as "conservatives" could fairly be labeled.

As a conservative, just ask yourself this:

Would YOU co-sponsor and vote for a SEIU bill?

If you haven't eaten yet, feel free to head on over to this bogus effort to defend this clueless empty suit's support of SEIU.

Don't do it if you have eaten, though. Because you won't be able to keep it down.

As far as that goes, the one thing that amazes me the most is how many leftists votes Herrera takes that the Herrera Herd just goes along with.

The lie then, is in referring to this fake Republican as a "conservative."

What both Huff and this Bowman guy deliberately left out is that not only did Herrera VOTE for this what you admit to be "not a GREAT bill;" the simple idiot co-sponsored it.

Co-sponsored, Huff. She co-sponsored the SEIU bill, and then voted for it.

Much like she voted for stripping out the $229,000,000 from the state's emergency fund to help the democrats with their massive spending increases this session, "conservatives" would neither COSPONSOR A SEIU BILL, VOTE FOR A SEIU BILL, NOR VOTE AGAINST HER CAUCUS TO EMPTY OUT THE STATE RAINY DAY FUND.

I have to wonder: what leftist cause, bill or series of causes or bills would it take for the Herrera Herd to get that she's as conservative as my cocker spaniel?

And by the way, Huff? Your constant whine about checking "her voting record" is even more proof that there is nothing this woman can do to get you to wake up:

What HAS is a record of how her voting buttons were pushed. It doesn't have a record of WHO PUSHED THEM the dozens of votes she MISSED VOTES so she could go out and fund raise.

I get that the SEIU thing is causing her problems. No true conservative would consider voting for a so-called Republican who not only voted for SEIU legislation, but COSPONSORED THE BILL.

And no amount of spin from you, or Bowman, or anyone else can make up for the fact that she sold us out to the SEIU here, just like she ditched us to go to a DC special interest fund raiser during session; and just like she voted to help the democrats rape us financially just a few short days ago.

NO other GOP candidate in this district would CONSIDER carrying the water for the SEIU. Her vote there makes her unfit to hold the office she has now, let alone go to congress to do anything but answer phones at a receptionist desk.

I'm just astounded that you people have, apparently, drank enough Kool Aid to fill an Olympic Swimming pool.

Unbelievable. If you people believe her to be a conservative, then I'm ashamed to call myself one.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.


  1. This "memo," that I also received, throws more fuel on the fire, not extinguish it.

    If, as Bowman says, "Jaime has never supported compulsory unionism and never will," it brings me back to my earlier post asking if she even read teh bill.

    Surfing around last evening I was surprised just how many editorials I stumbled upon from around the state that were against this bill, partly becuase of forcing unions on childcare centers.

    Family Policy Institute of Washington, Evergreen Freedom Foundation, and Washington Policy Center, all 3 neutral towards any candidate, spoke out against it as well, including the same reasoning of forcing unions in.

    Even more damaging to Herrera is the claim that she was "requested" by small business owners to back this bill.

    In looking over an early house report on the bill, witness testifying for it were mainly unions and those against were mainly child care centers.

    I'll be going more in depth later on myself. But, Casey Bowman, whoever that young man is, should have researched this more before trying such a 'snow-job.'

  2. I had a conversation with a local politico, and I put it to him: why?

    In doing this over 20 years, it's been easy to look at a candidate and determine the qualities that draw people to them... that draw support.

    The answers I have received have had to do with her gender, her youth, her looks, and because, rhetorically speaking, McMorris's hand runs up her back into her head, and she speaks as an extension of her.

    I have YET to have anyone tell me it's because she's smart, knows policy, has vision, knows what she's doing, shows leadership... or that she's a conservative.

    And now this.

    I can't believe there was a deal; after all, Herrera has nothing to offer.

    So, why did she do this?

    I've frequently heard that one of her many excuses is that she "votes her conscience."

    I don't want any representative to vote THEIR conscience.

    I want them to vote OUR conscience.

    This entire situation surrounding her is the biggest political mystery of my life. This blind devotion to someone who has accomplished nothing; who exaggerates or lies, who supports far left unions, who votes to clean out our accounts to help the democrats spend what little money this state has left as they expand government in the midst of this horrific recession... this record, more closely aligned with Obama than Reagan, causes political revulsion in me, and political orgasm in her supporters.

    I just don't get it.

  3. In looking back over some email exchanges I have had with Keath Huff, I found again something he said. That being, "I sit on multiple PACs and chair one, we have funded democrats when we know no Republican will win."

    What kind of "grassroots conservative" Democrats are there that a "grassroots conservative" Republican would support?

    I read an article from McMorris Rodgers calling for more females in the GOP. I agree, but not at the expense of conservative values.

    Then again, how many of those 'Republicans' calling for more women have engaged in trashing Sarah Palin?

    How many of these "grassroots conservatives" that seem to be leaning left, trashed George W. Bush for not being right-winged enough?

    The liberal/socialist mindset took over the Democrat Party decades ago and now seems to be taking root in the Republican Party as well.

    Moving the GOP left is why they lost the majority.

    Redefining conservatism to embrace leftist ideals is why many have walked away from it and become disillusioned with it all.

    The last thing we need is another "go with the flow" representative claiming to be a Conservative Republican.

    And note too. Those "Cowlitz Clowns" have not refuted a single thing I documemnted or linked to.


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