Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The democrats' death wish.

Not since the early to mid 60's have I ever seen any group of people to bent on immolating themselves as I have the democrats... now known as the New Buddhists.

Those of us from that era still remember the bizarre but compelling scene of Buddhist Monks lighting themselves on fire in protest of South Vietnamese government policies en vogue at the time.

Self-immolation has been a powerful symbol of protest in the Western media since Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức set himself on fire to protest the Vietnamese regime

The actions of democrats as they urinate on the will of the people of this country to the exclusion of what their focus should be; namely, restoration of the private sector economy, has startling similarities to the actions of the protesting Buddhists of the 60's in South Vietnam.

President Obama has been an utter failure of a president, making most long for the days of other, more capable and intelligent Presidents in comparison... such stellar lights as Jimmy Carter come to mind, and until now, easily the worst President of the last 100 years.

Now, the utterly clueless incompetent Obama runs the show. And he's leading the left not only over a cliff but into a burning pool of hydrochloric acid upon touch down.


Why is the left so desperate to engage in Soviet-style parliamentary tricks to get a health care bill passed that will likely be repealed next January anyway, when control of both Houses of government will most probably switch back to the GOP?

I really had no idea democrats hated being in office, or hated to be in control of government so very much that they would throw it all away from this clownishly moronic effort.

It's like they don't have any adults around to keep them in line.

It is the damndest thing I've seen in all my years in and observing politics.



  1. It's almost as if they know they something is planned to retain power.

    You're right, it's uncanny that they know this bill will result in the GOP winning the next election, but doing it anyways.

    It just doesn't feel right.

  2. It makes you wonder what is underneath all of it. Is it truly that they don't know, or don't care, or is there a pressure coming from somewhere that no one is shedding light on? Perhaps it is the agenda of a president who needs to do something so big as to more greatly define his place in the history of this country? Is there something that Pelosi and Reed have been promised behind closed doors that make them work so frantically to make this happen even when most of America doesn't want it to happen? There has to be something else propelling this action...it doesn't make sense that as a country we could have put such a significant number of narcissists into office at the same time. There has to be something else going on here....or it is mental illness on such a grand scale as we have never seen before.

  3. the GOP runs the country like a business. government is responsible for regulating business not getting in bed with it democrats get their hands dirty too but the GOP is all nothing but money lovers is pretty clear the agenda of the democrats is for the people not the establishment. so if you want to give our country to overseas companies in iran and china that make more money than god and dont pay taxes while real americans suffer want to throw away any of the things that make our country great (positive diversity, regulations, business, environmental, and health) vote GOP. i didn't even mention about the GOP's utter contempt for civil rights, patients rights and diplomacy. your old cranky and mean lol Are you seriously complaining about the best parts of human nature... what would you do to make the world a better place and when i say world i mean people outside your party? i can guess the blog author doesn't want to hear what real america sounds like (particularly if it isn't a white Christian republican that doesn't agree)so im sure you will delete this and watch fox news lol i dont care cuz if you aren't smart enough to think outside you're party you aren't smart enough to run this country anyways. its not fair that if a person is a progressive or non Christian or democrat in your eyes they are un-american and have to be totally wrong and above all else the minority which is absurd fox may have the highest ratings but so does Obama he won with a big big numbers so think about that before you jump on you bandwagon of faith and glory. if you are really patriotic you would post this. i served my country too so i get a say in this matter.

  4. HT, thanks for stopping by.

    As it turns out, my view was rather well vindicated at the polls last November, resulting in the wholesale political slaughter of those who seem to share your view.

    I would like to think that I am one of those "real" "americans" you refer to, but racism in the guise of "diversity" where meritocracy becomes a thing of the past, income redistribution where success is punished, spending our country into debt that the next 5 generations will not be able to bail us out of are not the tenets of success that we need just now.

    As my son is half Asian (And a graduate of the University of Washington where he was accepted under the tenets of I-200, which outlaw affirmative action in Washington State, I defy your characterization of me, a person you do not know, as race conscious in any way, manner, shape or form.

    But like white people don't earn anything based on their complexion, neither should you or anyone else.

    Martin Luther King wanted us all judge on the content of our character. In my case, I want to judge people like you by what you do... not who you are or what you color happens to be.

    I go out of my way to post opposing view points, because, you see, it's the conversation that's the thing.

    Right now, our domestic, foreign, and economic policies are a wreck. And I might remind you that they became this wreck while under the control of the party you so seem to admire.

    In fact, tomorrow I'll be posting up a dandy set of outcomes that result from complete, long term, democrat control of an area.

    In this case, it's Detroit.

    Have a look, and let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by.


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