Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The city government of LaCenter: a wholly-owned tribal subsidiary?

Yesterday, there was a big brouhaha about LaCenter implementing a system of initiative and referendum.

On the surface, it's difficult to argue against this. It's only when one drills down into the morass of what's really going on in LaCenter where the hackles raise as a result of the Boss Hogg-style government, now entirely controlled by the Cowlitz casino effort, where one questions the judgement.

Read this article, put into the paper yesterday.

Of particular note is that, for the most part, the local mouth piece on this issue is Erin Noland... and not an official member of city government.

The article and the quotes are pure, grade A, bull. The reporter, Marissa Harshman, was as manipulated as the electorate of La Center.

Erin Nolan and her husband, high ranking deputies in the Clark County Sheriff's Office, both moved to LaCenter shortly after the now abortive MOU was adopted by the former Clark County commissioners some 6 or 7 years ago. Their sole reason and mission for moving there was to do everything they could to gain compliance with the megacasino agenda.


Because the megacasino developers successfully bought their support.


Under the terms of the MOU, the construction of the megacasino would result, allegedly, in the megacasino paying for an additional 17 FTE's for, you guessed it, the Clark County Sheriff's office.

From the original MOU:

Is it sheer coincidence that the Nolans moved to LaCenter after the MOU was put into place?

I will be the first to admit that the Clark County Sheriff's office is badly understaffed, particularly in comparison to other counties. They need more deputies on the road.

But selling out your community; particularly when that sell out will result in the constructing of a massive, bottomless economic black hole, sucking millions out of our community; millions that will have no tangible benefit to anyone besides the casino developer (recovering in Seattle from a massive brain injury) a California tribe (The Paskenta) and a Connecticut tribe (The Mohegans) financing this nightmare... besides, of course, the unions building this thing; is not the way to go.

Critical elements left out of the article were these:

First, the petition wasn't presented before the election. Why?

Simple, really: The "petition" was primarily used to provide the Nolan - casino campaign with a list.

They presented it in terms of a way to allow the people to have a voice. The real purpose was somewhat more insidious: it was used exclusively as a campaign tool.

They had a list of almost everyone who supported their position. To get their people, also owned by the megacasino types elected, all they had to do was work their list in this low turn out, off-year election.

It was a brilliant plan, brilliantly conceived and executed. But it remains the "dirty little secret" the Nolans, Irish and the rest of the tribal lackeys don't want you to know.

Until those manipulated into signing this petition find out the truth, they will continue to think these people are actually doing their will, when in fact, the reverse is the truth... and it explains perfectly why the "petition" wasn't presented until AFTER the election.

In this case, the people are doing the will of the megacasino supporters, of which each and every member of their city government, without exception, can be counted.

They've been scammed. They've been duped. They've been manipulated by a smooth operator who is jerking their strings like puppets.

The "presentation" of the petition is a joke as well. The petition didn't NEED to be "presented." The megacasino city council will now vote in lock step for whatever the megacasino wants, whenever and however they want it. But appearances, no matter the deception, must be served.
One indicator is that this story was emailed out and around yesterday by a fellow named Rod VanMechelen.

Who is Rod?

Rod is a member of the Cowlitz Tribal Council and has been one of the main cheerleaders of the megacasino. Of course, hating competition, he was also one of the most hypocritical voices in opposition to I-892, the "level-the-playing-field-with-the-tribes" initiative, where he whined and moaned like a cut cat against gambling expansion... but has no trouble expanding it when he stands to benefit directly... like, by supporting the construction of one of the largest casinos on the face of the planet right here in Clark County.

Like the vast majority of tribal members, Rod does not and never has lived here. But he has no difficulty damaging our community by ramming this steaming crap pile down our throats with bogus claims that this area has a tribal tie... when they are obviously from the Vader area, some 50 miles or more north of where they're claiming.

Why is any of this about VanMechelen relevant?

Because he's the guy that sent the story around yesterday.

And why would he do that? I mean, if this is all about the people of LaCenter getting this done...

...why would VanMechelen care? Unless, of course, this had been the plan all along.

The Whole World wonders.

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