Saturday, February 06, 2010

Sure, if by "long time" you mean at least next week.

Sadly, the local stain on journalism has managed to suck enough creditors in to escape bankruptcy.

This time.

But the basic elements that forced the rag into bankruptcy remain just as much in place now as they were when the papers were filed.

Hard news print media is obsolete.

Fringe-left reporting and editorial agendas that screw the people are just as obsolete (Go to wiki and look up "Seattle Post Intelligencer" for more information)

Allowing a thug with a keyboard to chase any hope of readership away from anyone not a communist or worse. (Yeah, I'm talking about Laird.)

Cheerleading for a project costing billions that they won't have to pay for in the face of overwhelming opposition while doing everything they can to stifle that opposition in the midst of a propaganda campaign that would make Dr. Goebbels green with envy.

So, what this amounts to is a temporary reprieve.

The patient has been notified they are dying. The only question remaining, thankfully, is how long do they have to live.

And given the damage this despicable rag is doing to our community, let us hope that a merciful end arrives for it soon.

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