Friday, February 05, 2010

Memo to Shannon Barnett: Every time you lie, an Angel loses their wings.

I know that politics is a dirty business. I also know that every candidate who announces, no matter what their motivation, wants to win.

But no candidate should have to lie to get it done, and Shannon Barnett: you are a liar.

Look, I know that this state's Supreme Court has ruled that lying is a protected campaign practice, but that doesn't mean you have to do it.

And when you make the rounds begging for money, tellng the people gullible enough to even listen to you that frontrunner Ann Rivers' campaign is being run by a democrat, you are a liar.

How do I know?

It's simple, really. Ann Rivers' campaign manager THIS time was Jaime Herrera's campaign manager LAST time.

That's right.

Ann Rivers' campaign manager is Woodland City Councilman Aaron Christopherson. REPUBLICAN Woodland City Councilman Aaron Christopherson.

Now, I understand, given your support of Herrera's candidacy, why this sort of thing appeals to someone of your type of character.

But any time you're out there running at the mouth, keep in mind the fact that one way or the other, all roads run through this blog.

As a Republican, it's EXPECTED that you will tell the truth. That YOU don't, while not surprising, is, in fact, an insult to all of us who've sweat bullets, either now or in the past, to try to keep politics from sinking into the sewer where you so obviously thrive.

EVERY TIME YOU LIE, people will read about it here. And when you (or any other candidate) lies, I WILL find out about it. Don't believe me?

Keep it up.

And think about this: if you have to lie to win, then perhaps you should get out now.

Just sayin'.


  1. And Candace Herrera was telling me last weekend what a great guy Shannon is.

    We sat next to each other at the Central Committee meeting.

    This doesn't bode well, Shannon and with the series of answers to some in depth questions I just received back from Ann, I think she will remain the front runner.

    From what I have read in archives, she should have gotten the seat instead of Herrera.

  2. Again, the behavior modeling comes from the top down. This is a time where it doesn't seem to matter what is said, the end justifies the means. Moral bankruptcy is rampant in our society and if it is ever going to change, we need to start at the top and work down. Leaders! Wake up! What you do matters and it sets the tone for the people you lead! If you can't get things done without lying, perhaps they shouldn't be done in the first place...ya think?


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