Thursday, February 04, 2010

Memo to Tim "The Liar" Leavitt: It was the bridge tolls, stupid.

As any follower of my blog knows, I dispise Tim "The Liar" Leavitt. Leavitt and his democrat brain trust, including Steve "Cash only, Mr. Barnett" Stuart, Dena Horton (Clark County democrat chair) Betty Sue Morris and other democrat luminaries who ran Leavitt's campaign found the issue that allowed Leavitt to scam an entire election.

And what was that one issue, the clincher... the lie that got Leavitt elected?

That he was opposed to tolls on the new bridge/loot rail scam he and his buddies are ramming down this community's throat.

That it IS a lie was made clear.... repeatedly... by The Liar's inability to oppose a tolled bridge because he lacked the testicles to oppose such a project, being that he's not an obstructionist and all.

As I indicated all along, that position was a lie, a crock, a manipulative scam to get the more politically ignorant to support him and oppose Royce Pollard.

I was never thrilled by Pollard but I make no bones about the fact that I supported his re-election.


Because unlike Leavitt, like him or hate him, Pollard at least told the truth.

Every fricking article mentioning The Liar during the campaign noted that Leavitt "opposed tolls," obstructionism notwithstanding.

The toll issue and the toll issue alone is what got this Obama-endorsing liar elected.

Well, guess what?

Leavitt NOW has claimed that the toll issue was a minor part of his campaign and had little or nothing to do with his election!

EEEEHHHHHHHH!!!!! Wrong answer!

You lived by the toll issue you lying little putz. Now, get ready to politically die from it.

The people are not going to allow you to engage in revisionist history.

When it suited your lying ass, you were all about this. As I repeatedly pointed out, there was NO WAY this bridge could get built WITHOUT tolls, your insanely moronic efforts to charge EVERYONE higher property taxes to pay for YOUR scam aside.

So now, to quote one of your hero's closest buds, the chickens are coming home to roost. And no amount of bluster or denial from you will change it... and their are many around like me who won't let you or the people forget it.

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