Thursday, February 04, 2010

Koenninger blows it again on the bridge.

Look, I get that the Columbian collectively orgasms over replacing a bridge that by no means requires replacement so they can jam loot rail down our throats while forcing us to pay billions; I get that the rag has an agenda that is in spite of the people instead of a reflection of the people (Their bankruptcy does tend to speak for itself) and I get that they want US to pay for THEIR vision.

But it takes a level of arrogance that exceeds that of the size of Mt. Rushmore in order to characterize anyone opposing this unneeded multi-billion dollar monstrosity as a "meddler." For a champion of the First Amendment to do so is as despicable a thing as this despicable man has ever written... and he's written a great many.

There is one reason and one reason only why we have not been afforded a vote on this horrific waste of precious transportation dollars: the powers that be know that such a vote would lose and they have admitted as much.

To that end, if, what Koenninger calls "the bickering" will finally kill this steaming pile, then I say bicker away.

Here's a memo to Koenninger: We do not NEED your bridge; we do not WANT your bridge; and we will do everything we can to limit the colossal waste of our money to the hundred million dollars we've already wasted for studies with pre-ordained outcomes that have made me so ashamed of the leaders of this community.... both the real, like our local governments; and the imagined, like the clown editor that wrote his column of pap as if he had any impact or power to persuade.

Things are happening out there that will impact this and provide a voice for those who are actually having the gun of government aimed at their heads to extort $1300 a year to begin with for their commute to Portland. You can either get on the train or get run over by it.

In the case of this stain on the science of journalism, there's little doubt where they will stand on the popular movement coming.

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