Friday, February 19, 2010

Memo to Paulson, Queen Chrissy and Taxandgougeme: What the people "expect" is for YOU to STFU.

The senseless babble coming out of Olympia and Salem and the Ports
concerning our impending rape as reported by our paper seems to have shifted into "ludicrous speed."

Thanks to Wallace and Pridemore, who never saw a tax or fee they didn't want to raise, we've wasted tens of millions of dollars and all we've got is a stack of paper to show for it and little else.

If we actually needed the bridge replaced; if we actually wanted loot rail to come into our county, then the nonsense from the "Bobbsey Twins" might have made a difference:
“citizens of this region have watched our two states discuss and plan for a new bridge for over 20 years, and they expect us to proceed.”
Well, here's a clue, morons: we expect you to proceed TO is to ABANDON THIS FRICKING PROJECT BEFORE YOU WASTE ANY MORE MONEY! THAT'S what we "EXPECT."

There is precisely ZERO need to tear down a perfectly functional bridge to replace it with a bridge that will do absolutely NOTHING to improve freight mobility OR reduce congestion.

You two idiots would blow a hole in our local economy of $100,000,000 A YEAR.

Why is it that when sock puppets like Paulson at the Port babble about how wonderful this dogpile is they never seem to talk about the rape of the commuters who will get stuck with the bill for this massive piece of crap? If the Port of Vancouver... or these two idiots we have for governors... want this steaming pile, then let THEM PAY FOR IT.

How easy it is for batshit crazy types who will NOT have to pay for this to insist that WE have to bear that burden for THEIR agenda?

That's what "the people expect," since the scum in charge lack the guts to ASK us what we want... a feat that speaks for itself.

When this is over, we'll be out billions; nothing will have improved, and the families living in Clark County will have been saddled with additional thousands of dollars of debt. 65,000 commuters and their families will be forced to pay for this senseless debacle... and once again, the phrase "will of the people" will be tossed on the ash heap of history by democrats... just like they tossed I-960.

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