Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Today's 3rd Congressional Quiz: DeBolt has worked with both Castillo and Herrera...

So why is he continuing to strongly support Castillo?

DeBolt had several choices to make, or not.

He's seen both of these people up close and personal. He's had the chance to gauge them; their intelligence, their work ethic, their morality, their vision, their integrity.

And, of course, it goes to follow that Richard DeBolt, Republican leader of the Washington State House of Representatives, would want a Republican in the Congressional seat as a part of the GOP renaissance.

So why is he kicking Ridgefield Barbie to the curb in favor of Castillo?

Of course integrity, an unknown characteristic for Herrera, plays a role. He gave Castillo his word, and that means something. Something Herrera can't grasp, nor her handlers, McMorris or Vander Stoep.

Our resident political opportunist, Herrera, busily set about to call people who had given Castillo, and others, their word of endorsement in a sordid, underhanded attempt to peel them off, all under the guise of an all-too-typical for Herrera low-life political tactic.

We would not have heard from or of Herrera in this cycle if Baird hadn't bailed. Political courage isn't in her lexicon... and the result is that the leader of the Republicans in the House pondered the choices, reviewed the record, and made his decision.

I haven't decided who I'm going to support. I HAVE decided who I cannot abide as a member of the Congress of the United States, though, and those two are Herrera and Russell.

On at least one of those, it's pretty clear that the man who knows two of the candidates for this office best; the one who's observed them professionally and legislatively for a period of years has made one thing perfectly clear:

When it comes to Congress.... it ain't Herrera.

This expands on a thought by Lew Waters
, who was gracious enough to swing by and share it with us.

1 comment:

  1. If a person of DeBolt's stature and experience won't support the "Ridgefield Barbie," why should I?

    Early on I might have supported her, due to name recognition. But, that was before I saw into her background and looked closer at her "appointment" to replace Richard Curtis.

    I'm not quite to the point of leaving the GOP just yet, but can see it needs to clean house and change its ways.

    And I don't mean by embracing Ron Paul.

    It's candidates and elected officials like Herrera who have harmed the party as they continue to try to out-corrupt the Democrats.

    As a life-long conservative, Democrat and Republican over the years, I want to see the country move back to the right and reembrace the conservatism that built it to its greatness.

    That will not happen with a plastic Barbie Doll groomed by the party machine to support the party machine.


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