Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Correcting the Chronicle: Herrera's spin, "exaggeration" is the order of the day.

Chronline.com blew it on a variety of levels with their Herrera puff piece: "Not your typical candidate" of Jan 5.

In order:
State Rep. Jaime Herrera wasn’t sure at first whether she should run for Congress in 2010.

There wasn’t a light bulb moment, but more of the constant thought that she wanted to be a part of making the change she says America needs right now.
First of all, this is the lie of the day.

Herrera falsely indicated in the past that the RNCC had been "recruiting" her to run against Baird for 6 months before he bailed.

Clearly, had Baird stayed in, there is no way this empty suit would be running for Congress.


So the next lie is this:
"There wasn't a light bulb moment"
The SECOND Baird bailed, Herrera was in. That what she came here for in the first place; her entire act of parachuting in was to position her for this moment. One can only wonder why she feels compelled to lie about it now.
“We need to change direction,” the Ridgefield Republican told The Chronicle during a visit to Centralia on Monday.
"We" apparently also need to change locations: the local empty suit lives in Camas... not Ridgefield, although her initial appointment took place as "Ridgefield Barbie," since her only ties to this community and this district was the use of her parent's address for an absentee voter registration.
“Whether you’re Republican or Democrat, something’s got to change. When you look at the stimulus, we still have high unemployment, and Lewis County is still around 14 percent. That’s what’s telling me what’s going on over in D.C. is not working over here on Main Street.”
Really? THAT'S "what's telling" you? The massive debt, the keystone cops foreign policy, the lies of the Administration don't at least whisper something to you?
The 31-year-old Ridgefield native was one of the first big names to announce her candidacy following Democratic U.S. Rep. Brian Baird’s decision not to seek re-election in 2010. Herrera has been billed as the frontrunner among the Republican candidates by some, though she doesn’t see herself that way.
Too true. Herrera was far too cowardly to take Baird on directly. Baird's decision caught her completely by surprise, and had Baird stayed in, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

"Gutless" doesn't begin to cover it.
The University of Washington graduate received her degree in communications. Having an interest in politics, she interned at the Washington State Senate and in Washington, D.C. at the White House Office of Political Affairs, while in college.
Thus starting her career as junior go-fer, Odd how brief stints of picking up the danish seemed to prepare her for becoming a junior staffer at McMorris's office.
Soon after graduating, she worked as senior legislative aide for U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rogers, R-Spokane, from 2005 to 2007 in Washington, D.C. Herrera had the opportunity to take positions at the nation’s capital, but said she would rather be more connected to Washington state.
Wow! Several lies in one paragraph!

First of all, unless "soon" means 6 years or so, it wasn't "soon."


Why she insists on continuing to mouth that lie is beyond me. But it is completely indicative of her penchant for exaggeration.

"Senior Legislative Aide" is a formal position. Here is an example.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 07/01/04 07/01/04 Senior Legislative Aide $ 116.67
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 04/01/04 06/30/04 Senior Legislative Aide $ 10,500.00
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 01/03/04 03/31/04 Senior Legislative Aide $ 10,111.11
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 01/01/04 01/02/04 Senior Legislative Aide $ 222.22

2004 subtotal: $20,950.00

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 10/01/03 12/31/03 Senior Legislative Aide $ 11,999.99
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 07/01/03 09/30/03 Senior Legislative Aide $ 9,999.99
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 04/01/03 06/30/03 Senior Legislative Aide $ 9,999.99
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 01/03/03 03/31/03 Senior Legislative Aide $ 9,455.56
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 01/01/03 01/02/03 Senior Legislative Aide $ 211.11

2003 subtotal: $41,666.64

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-Oregon-3rd) 12/01/02 12/31/02 Senior Legislative Aide $ 3,166.67

2002 subtotal: $3,166.67


The following chart is Herrera's record:

Employing Office Start date End date Position Amount Notes
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 10/01/07 11/30/07 Legislative Aide $ 6,750.00
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 07/01/07 09/30/07 Legislative Aide $ 10,125.00
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 04/01/07 06/30/07 Legislative Aide $ 10,125.00
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 01/03/07 03/31/07 Legislative Aide $ 9,900.01
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 01/01/07 01/02/07 Legislative Aide $ 224.99

2007 subtotal: $37,125.00

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 10/01/06 12/31/06 Legislative Aide $ 12,125.00
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 07/01/06 09/30/06 Legislative Aide $ 10,125.00
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 04/01/06 06/30/06 Legislative Aide $ 10,125.00
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 01/03/06 03/31/06 Legislative Aide $ 9,900.01
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 01/01/06 01/02/06 Legislative Aide $ 224.99

2006 subtotal: $42,500.00

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 10/01/05 12/31/05 Legislative Aide $ 13,124.34
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 07/01/05 09/30/05 Legislative Aide $ 9,124.98
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 04/01/05 06/30/05 Legislative Aide $ 9,125.01
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 02/01/05 03/31/05 No Title Listed $ 6,083.34
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Republican-Washington-5th) 01/03/05 01/31/05 No Title Listed $ 2,838.89

2005 subtotal: $40,296.56

Does the title "SENIOR legislative Aide" appear anywhere in Herrera's record?

She went on to say:
"rather be more connected to Washington state."
Which explains perfectly why her only connection was her parent's address.

WELL done.
Herrera describes herself as “not your typical package,” being a young female Hispanic candidate, and hopes to bring her willingness to work together about the issues, instead of making decisions based on party affiliation.
Another lie.

Herrera is the caricature of a politician, with lies and exaggeration to impress people, she's everything despicable about politics. Her gender and ethnicity are no reason, one way or the other, to support her or oppose her, unless the Affirmative Action gene runs rampant in her veins.

And her support for SEIU legislation in the past certainly proves that party affiliation is meaningless to her.
“We aren’t going to get anything done if we line up on one side Republicans and one side Democrats and throw bombs at one another,” Herrera said. Constituents have grown tired of the stand-off and want solutions, she said.
This from a woman who's office has never heard the phrase "Constituent work?"

You cannot win by out-democrating the democrats. And that seems to be her plan.
The number one issue Herrera sees facing the country right now is the economy and the jobless rates. She said to fix the economy, people need to get back to work and the government has to stop “pouring money” at the problem and picking the winners and losers. She said recovery should be placed on the backs of small business and private enterprise, where the market determines success.
A great deal of verbiage that means absolutely nothing.

HOW, moron? HOW do you do this?

Campaigning like Obama ain't gonna get it done. If this is all you have to offer, then I'll just vote for my cocker spaniel and be done with it.

"Glittering generalities" ain't going nearly as far this time.
Herrera listed health care as a close second behind the country’s economic situation. She admitted the Republicans missed their chance on trying to take care of the issue years ago, but the current plan lacks consistency.

She described it as “a very disjointed” plan that is an amalgamation of pet projects and ideas thrown into a “grab bag.” She said more emphasis should be placed on giving patients more control and cutting costs above anything else.
Good..... God.

The current plans will cost hundreds of billions... and this is all she has to offer?

Nothing about interstate health care insurance... nothing about "Cafe'" health care plans?

Health care isn't the ONLY thing "disjointed."
Lastly, Herrera would like to see a change in the education system that would get American students better prepared to enter into the workforce.

I for one, would like to see frogs sprout wing's so they wouldn't bump their asses each time they jump. But how likely is that?

HOW do you do this? And WHY do you support federal interference in our education system?

Regurgitating nebulous talking points ain't gonna get it done.

We want much more in our congressional representative... which just lines up as yet another reason why it shouldn't be you.

Jeopardy Theme:
Locally, she sees unemployment and chronic flooding as the two major concerns plaguing Lewis County.

She said a basin-wide solution would be the best way to look at resolving flooding issues, and said the answers are needed sooner rather than later.

“I’m skeptical of an 11-mile wall,” she said. “Water retention needs to be explored with a modest levee solution. There needs to be a sense of urgency about this. I’m not for studying an undetermined amount of time.”

And with all of this... during your tenure in the State House... what did you do about this?

What bills did Herrera introduce? What effort did Herrera make?

What's that?


Didn't think so.

/Jeopardy theme.

Herrera had an opportunity to act on these issues while she was in office, just like the democrats (Wallace and Pridemore) what did she do?
Though she has been in the running for under a month, she has already faced criticism from Democrats, specifically Washington State Democratic Party Chairman Dwight Pelz, who described Herrera as “Palinesque” and “long on style, short of substance.”

“It sure sounds like Dwight Pelz is afraid of a new idea,” she said when asked about his comments.
As I pointed out earlier, Pelz gave her far too MUCH credit. And with Herrera's tired, retread ideas, she's hardly in a position to call herself a "new idea."
But Herrera isn’t concerned with the current handicapping of the race, or where she fits in the mix right now. She said she’s focused on getting her campaign ready so she will have an opportunity to make the change voters are ready for and is excited for the opportunity and its challenges.
"She" isn't doing a damned thing to "get her campaign ready." Her handlers are taking care of that, because Herrera can't be trusted to properly operate an elevator. Those involved in her appointment process... McMorris and Vander Stoep are once again calling the shots and interfering with the process of the people who actually LIVE HERE.

Herrera makes me ashamed of my government. We must not compound our error by electing her to anything else, anywhere.


  1. "The 31-year-old Ridgefield native was one of the first big names to announce her candidacy following Democratic U.S. Rep. Brian Baird’s decision not to seek re-election in 2010."

    Correction: She WAS the first to jump in after baird announced retriement. The ink wasn't even dry on the Press Release when she first announced, then backed off, then jumped back in, after what her handlers in D.C. considered an appropriate time lapse.

    Pure political cowardice and opportunism.

    The only "change" we stand to see should Herrera ever obtain Baird's seat is her paycheck increasing.

    How can she claim "conservative" and support the SEIU???

    Has she ever explained nearly $500 for 3 days of meals?

  2. I'd also add, if Washington State Democratic Party Chairman Dwight Pelz is already considering Herrera the "front-runner," could it be because he desires to see the Washington State GOP front yet another weak candidate they know they can easily defeat?

    People who have been paying attention the past 7 months know who the real front-runner is and it isn't Jaime Herrera.

  3. For once... just for once... I want someone who will tell the truth.

    The truth about themselves; the truth about what they want to do; the truth they are going to do.

    I would also like someone in the slot who respects our money. Unfortunately, that alone, in addition to all the rest of it. disqualifies Herrera.


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