Thursday, January 07, 2010

Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic: Wagner named "co-director" of the $4 billion rip off.

As a blind man could see in a minute, the people of this region do not want to be saddled with the agenda of others... particularly when those "others" won't have to pay for it.

Those cheering the loudest for this colossal waste of money have several glaring issues to deal with.

First and foremost, their hypocrisy.

The cancer on our society known as the paper has provided coverage that ignores the massive opposition to this steaming pile; that lies about the positive impacts while ignoring the negative; that has published absolutely nonsensical, untrue polls to "prove" the local community's support; that has through columns, specifically trashed the opposition and continued to support those like Craig Pridemore who strive to gerrymander taxing districts to exclude the overwhelming opposition from voting against these taxes... but not to exclude us from paying them.

This is, in addition, a further result of the fact that these clowns will impose on 65,000 OTHERS (but not themselves) a $1300 per year fee that THEY won't have to pay.

Second, the undeniable act that WE DO NOT WANT THIS CRAP HEAP BUILT.

Politicians are aware of this: Republican Tom Mielke won against democrat Pam Brokaw in a county that voted for the empty suit. Mielke was aided in large measure by a failure on Brokaw's part to have the guts to take positions on important issues, including replacing a bridge and bringing in loot rail to a community that DOES NOT WANT IT.

Note to politicians: Obama-ing the message will NOT WORK this time.

This amounted to a referendum on the bridge, loot rail and tolls. Clearly, Brokaw wanted all three, her denials of taking a position notwithstanding; with more than equal clarity, Commissioner Mielke did not.

In the Vancouver mayoral race (Where I supported Pollard because he at least told the truth on this issue) Tim "The Liar" Leavitt was elected by a populace desperate to believe his lies... and a populace that was also opposed to the bridge replacement, loot rail and tolls.

These things are facts. They've been in place for years. But only now is this stain on journalism beginning to regularly acknowledge the reality we live in, because that reality opposes their agenda.

Thus, we have what this paper is gently referring to as "escalating political difficulties." That's the same thing as saying when Obama was lying through his teeth during his campaign about transparency, he was "misspeaking."

The opposition to this project, for which Deb Wallace has arranged to waste over $100,000,000 taxpayer dollars to date, is overwhelming. And neither Don Wagner nor anyone else can put this genie back into the bottle.

The problem is that we do not want this bridge; we do not need this bridge; and the only reason they want to waste this massive amount of money at all is to bring loot rail into Vancouver.

Replacing the bridge? Well, that's just cover for loot rail. These scum want to force us to pay billions entirely to get loot rail into Vancouver.

The new "co-director" of the CRC (Odd they didn't mention how much he's getting paid for that) himself has said the following:

Wagner said he has no doubts the existing crossings are safe, so much so that he drives and cycles across the spans without hesitation.

"If we don't have an earthquake of any magnitude, those two bridges are going to stay there until something hits them," he said.

(That, of course, put the immediate lie to the paper and other bridge/looters that the I-5 Bridges were "unsafe.")

It's odd that they would put the official who has done the most to damage their arguments for this project in charge of it.

But then, this entire scam has been odd from the beginning.

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