Thursday, January 07, 2010

Is Denny Heck just more of the same?

We already know Herrera certainly is. But what about Heck?

As I follow the process, Denny Heck's name has come up many times for the 3rd Congressional, and I thought I'd share a few of my initial impressions.

Like all but 3 candidates for this seat, Heck suffers from a lack of, well, guts.

The 3 candidates I refer to are Castillo, Hedrick and Russell.

The other candidates, each and every one of them (including Heck) are engaging in rank political opportunism, not unlike buzzards scavenging a dead cow.

For the congressional campaign, we need to face the fact that we never would have heard of Heck, Herrera, Wallace, Pridemore, McKibben, Salazar, Crist or anyone else announcing since Baird's timely departure from the local political scene.

While so far unsullied by the despicable nonsense and waste of the multi-billion dollar fraud that is the unneeded and unwanted bridge replacement along with loot rail and the imposition of what amounts to a $1300 surcharge to 65,000 voters in this district, is their any doubt that Heck won't become a proponent for that project? A project that will screw the very people he wants to, allegedly, "Serve?"

ALL candidates need to take a position on this. Those supporting it; or, in the alternative, attempting to "Brokaw" the message; that is, refusing to take a pro OR con position on the issue, will suffer politically as a result.

ALL candidates running need to explain, in excruciating detail, what efforts they intend to make to kill the Cowlitz Criminal Megacasino. Again, those refusing to take a position or supporting that massive economic black hole for out of area interests will suffer accordingly.

ALL candidates need to explain how they would have voted differently then Baird on the Porkulus, Cap and Swindle, and Obama's socialist health care bill. Further, unlike Baird, would you have the guts to require a 72 hour window to vote "yes" on any bill? Continuing the theme, those who would just be the mirror image of Baird? Politically problematic.

Specific to democrats, a brand that becomes increasingly damaged by the day, just BEING a democrat will be a severe handicap in the upcoming election.

As the democrat House, controlled by the Belle of Botox, Nancy Pelosi, continues to turn an increasingly deaf ear to what We The People actually want; it becomes problematic to explain to the voter why we should make her stronger by sending a democrat... well... anywhere, let alone to Congress.

Going back specifically to Heck, this was not a good start for him.

Inaccuracy in staking out a claim comes perilously close to lying and exaggerating at least as bad as Herrera. For example, Heck claims:
“I’m the only practicing capitalist in this race. Nobody has to teach me that 70 percent of jobs are created by small businesses. I’ve done that.”
As despicable a person and candidate as Russell is, the paper was right in addressing that claim:
In fact, Republican congressional candidate Jon Russell, a Washougal city councilor who owns a family health clinic, might consider himself a “practicing capitalist” as well.

Words have meanings, Mr. Heck. Your "depth and breadth of experience" should have taught you that.

And, I appreciate the fact that the unemployment rate is one of your chief concerns. But Like all democrats supporting this empty suited, hypocritical anti-American racist bigot, you are going to have to explain to us precisely what you intend to do to help stop the ACORN in Chief from screwing up our economy even more than he already has.

"Stimulating job growth" is primarily done with tax cuts. What taxes are you going to fight to cut, and how much?

Engaging in idiocy like calling "Clark County my home" since you haven't lived here in 25 years, does nothing to help your cause. Clark County is a different PLANET then it was when you lived here. This is NOT your home, and no amount of claiming that it is makes it so. In fact, such claims tend to show you both as a liar and a moron.

That you're willing to twist words and spin messages this way is particularly troubling. In short, don't pee on our legs and tell us it's raining.

LYING in this day and age like that is not what we want in our congressional candidate.

So, Mr. Heck, you have a lot of work to do. If you're going to be "clear-eyed" about something, be "clear-eyed" about the truth. And this article, today, has you saying things that are false.

Continue to lie, and, well, you might as well keep your money... because you ain't winning.



  1. Is Heck more of the same?

    In the Daily New's article on his entering the race, he said "I'm personally a little tired of politics by shouting."

    In a 2003 interview, asked about the heavy partisanship in Olympia he said, "I'm probably part of the problem. I've played partisan politics for keeps. I believed in the punishment side of the reward/punishment equation when it comes to internal self-discipline."

    More of the same? Or, part of the problem in that he helped bully in the foundation of the troubles we see today in Washington State?

  2. It's going to be very difficult for any democrat to win in 2010.

    With more baggage then a Samsonite factory and brand damage that makes the name "Edsel" shiny in comparison, most of these guys would be better off running as independents.

    The problem Heck has besides those listed is the research capabilities of the Internet. Every partisan thing he's ever said can by found, and he will be hammered with it.

    Fools us once, shame on you... etc.


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