Monday, January 25, 2010

The local paper STILL doesn't get it. There is NO consensus on the multi-billion dollar waste of money, except in their delusional minds.

For whatever the reason, our local rag has been fixated on loot rail for long over a decade.

There has been no lie they wouldn't tell, no exaggeration they wouldn't use, no attack they wouldn't make, all to the point of the absurd idea that we, The People should waste billions of dollars on THE most expensive loot rail system in the history of this, or, I'm sure, any other planet.

The thread that binds it all together is this: our absurd stain on the "science" of journalism will not have to pay for it. So, what they advocate is that WE pay for it; that we willingly blow a $100,000,000 hole, each year into perpetuity, into our local economy so they can install an outmoded, obsolete, non-transferable system with ridership subsidized to an unbelievable level as part of their agenda.... costs be damned.

And because of that kind of perspective, they print utter garbage like this:

So, essentially,a few guys got together over massive amounts of alcohol and worked double over time to sell out SW Washington for their agenda.

And who were the four guys?

We could almost call 3 of them the "usual suspects."

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, who's bogus position that he's "against tolls" was leveled when he finally fessed up and told the world that when tolls are inevitable, he won't stand in the way because principle means nothing to a lair and, well, he's not an "obstructionist;" Steve " Barnett had me at the number '$100,000'" Stuart, who stupidly is committing political suicide by demanding that we shoot ourselves in the foot economically by forcing us to divert $100,000,000 or more every year forever to build a replacement bridge that we do not need to bring in loot rail that we do not want; Sam "Sure I'm a liar" Adams, who felt no compunction in assassinating another man's character by denying his sexual activities with a kid.... and a fourth guy I've never heard of.

They decided to send a letter. And the only thing they agreed on is that they disagree.

They disagree with the plan.

As I pointed out, at some point, 3 of these people, the three I mentioned by name, will let others in on their next deal, the already agreed on "3 lanes each way with one lane each way for loot rail" system.

That's what we have to look forward to, because these people KNOW that this steaming pile would lose in an up or down vote and all of them want this thing built badly... tolls or no.... even Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.


So much for "will of the people."

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