Monday, January 25, 2010

It's hard to adequately discribe the Columbian's rank hypocrisy... but let me give it a try.

I spit up my coffee all over my keyboard when our grotesque excuse of a paper wrote an editorial demanding that the signatures for those of us wise enough to sign the petition that led to Referendum 71, the homosexual/imposition of institutionalized age discrimination that was defeated in Clark County during the last election; must be made public.

I get that the paper is all about forwarding the homosexual agenda. I get that they rabidly supported this measure, which institutionalized a form of discrimination (age) that was perfectly OK with this rag... and thus, garnered their endorsement.

The problem is this:

The entire issue is based on intimidation.

What our local stain of the science of journalism calls "offensive," particularly in view of this same rag's support of this discriminatory referendum, is a snapshot of the absurdity of their despicable positions generally.

One wonders: if these signatures are released... and someone, anyone, gets hurt because of it... what will they say then?

Have threats been made?

Gee. Let's take a look at a little effort publicized in the Seattle Times, and oh-so-conveniently overlooked by the fringe-left, anonymous whack job that wrote this steaming pile of an editorial:

Originally published June 1, 2009 at 12:07 PM Page modified June 1, 2009 at 2:26

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Groups to 'out' those who sign petition
against same-sex unions

A group called says it will publicize the names
of people signing petitions for Referendum 71, which seeks a public vote to
overturn a new expansion of Washington's same-sex partnerships.

A group called says it will publicize the names of people signing petitions for Referendum 71, which seeks a public vote to overturn a new expansion of Washington's same-sex partnerships. says it's partnering with the gay rights group to put the names online.

In a statement Monday, says it expects people who see the names
online to contact the signers for what may be uncomfortable talks about gay rights.

Sponsors of Referendum 71 have until July 25 to collect about 121,000 signatures to make the fall ballot. The referendum seeks to overturn the latest expansion of the domestic partner law, which would give partners the same state rights as married couples.

Copyright © 2009 The Seattle Times Company

Why I sign a petition is no one's business. Not this web site, not this cancer of a paper, no one's fricking business.

And this garbage pile of a rag, who USED to identify it's editorial writers, has absolutely no right to attack others for seeking to cloak their identity when the history of the Columbian's efforts of heaping abuse on those they disagree with is well known.

If the release of these names causes one drop of blood to be spilled... what then?

If it causes one dime's worth of property damage.... what then?

How much sacrifice and victimization of others is this paper willing to advocate?

Gee. One has to wonder: what would this rag's position be if it were, say, the other way around?

What would this monster in our community say then? Would it be OK to release the signatures for a pro-gay marriage petition? Would they be so quick to cast aside the concerns of THOSE petitioners?

Of course not.

Situational ethics that leads to this kind of hypocrisy is this rag's hallmark.

It's much the same as their bridger/looter perspective where THEY want to force US (as in, someone else) to pay BILLIONS for THEIR bridge/loot rail system that we do not want and do not need. The similarity?

It's easy to advocate a position.... when someone else is going to bear the costs.

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