Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Did I mention that Craig Pridemore couldn't raise money?

Well, the number's out.

And the fundraising machine that IS Craig Pridemore for Congress reports....



Let's take a brief look at who was dumb enough to give this guy ANY money.

Well, Fromhold is in for $500.

This Lugliani fellow and his wife (?) coughed up $4800 (Heavens to Betsy... DEVELOPER money? Why, tsk, tsk!)

Some lawyer named Weinstein? $1000.

Eli Kasab with his usual, give some small amount of money to everyone approach: $500

ANOTHER lawyer... this one named Foister? $1000.

Maaaaaaahn. Talk about your broad based support.

Yeah... it pretty much sucks to be the Craig Pridemore campaign.

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