Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The clueless Brancaccio.

So, I was reading Brancaccio today... and he's such a card. He tells us:

I was far from a saint, but that teacher taught me an invaluable lesson:

The quicker you figure out where the line is — the one you can’t cross — the more successful you will be.

Everyone’s line — I learned — was different. Play it too safe and you’ll never stand out. Play it too risky and you’ll stand out for all the wrong reasons.

I give a lot of credit, for whatever success I have had in life, to that lesson from that teacher.

Well, imagine that.

Up to this point, there hasn't seemed to be any line he and his organization wouldn't cross.

From loot rail to port levies to endorsing only democrats for open seats in EVERY election.... from false portrayals of non-partisanship to allowing a fringe leftest moron to hammer people with his editorial keyboard, the lines have been non-existent.

I have to wonder why he bothered mentioning them today.

And by the way? As "important" as he tells us teachers are, in the end, their "importance" is no greater or lesser than anyone else. And in the end, during a horrific recession when our economy and its people have have been forced to face slashing cuts across the board, those working for us in government, including teachers, should not be immune to that requirement.

My revenue is off 54% from last years highs. As many as 20% of the workforce is unemployed around here between those showing in the figures released by unemployment and those who've simply said "the hell with it."

I ask myself why those who are working for US seem to be immune to the draconian cuts the rest of us face... and I can't come up with an answer.

While this newspaper advocates that we pay more an more to support those they deem "important," I must say I have had enough. My taxes continue to go up while my income continues to go down.

I will be voting "no" on all tax increases until those who would spend them come to realize that when our president talked about "shared sacrifice," I can't believe that he was only referring to non-government employees.

No matter how "important" those employees think they are.

And teachers... if you think you're underpaid or under-appreciated for your 183 day per year job? Then quit.

No one forces you to work as a teacher.... so quit. The dozens of teachers laid off will be more than happy to take your place for even less money.... and, after all, isn't that the nature of our economy?

What's that? You've got no where to go?


Millions of us don't.

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