Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why does he need to lie? Tim "The Liar" Leavitt is STILL acting like a whiney little punk.

What's up with that? You would have thought that playing the lying, whiny little crybaby would not be the politic thing to do... Yet it seems that "The Liar" can't help himself.

In the article discussing the TV buys going on by respective campaigns and independent expenditures on their behalf, we get this tripe:
Both pledged not to engage in negative campaigning. But Leavitt said. Pollard already has done so by allowing the IBEW-sponsored ad, which he called not factual," to air.

"I think the candidate has ultimate control," he said. "If he wanted to, he could say, ‘Stop that negative campaigning.’ I believe it’s reflecting more poorly on him than on me."

It's this kind of deliberate lying that makes "The Liar" into a sniveling weasel that shouldn't hold ANY elective office, let alone mayor of Vancouver.

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt knows full well what the phrase "independent expenditure" means. He knows full well that candidates have precisely ZERO control over ads resulting from IE's. So when the "The Liar" says that he's moronic enough to believe that "candidates have ultimate control," he's just continuing on in his pattern of being a lying scum bag.

And taking it a step further, while bleating that the ads are "not factual," it seems the cat's got his tongue on HOW the ads are "not factual."

I go back to yesterday's apology to the people of Southwest Washington for this massive embarrassment to our entire political system. Today's babbling by this weasel goes directly to that.

Deliberate lies and shifting responsibility. That's what Tim "The Liar" Leavitt brings to the table.

And that's a damned shame. He COULD have been a contender.

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