Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I want to apologize to Southwest Washington for Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

Unfortunately for the community of Southwest Washington, politics can occasionally spawn some genuine lying lowlife weasels.

And Tim Leavitt fits that bill.

I want to apologize on behalf of the entire political process in America today for the candidacy of this slimy, underhanded, low life, asinine, whiny, sniveling candidate and the campaign he has felt he's had to run from the very beginning.

Rather than taking responsibility for his frequent violations of his civic duties and responsibilities to this community that thousands have died to give ungrateful worms like Leavitt, he's done everything he can to avoid taking responsibility for his actions, instead in his own cowardly way, attempting to shift the blame and focus for HIS failures to someone else.

Rather then stand up for those of us he's helping to hurt so badly financially by refusing to accept a bridge with tolls, the little coward says that tolls won't deter him, because he's "not an obstructionist." Of course, that he's lying through his teeth about the tolls issue is self-evident. And I am truly sorry he's such a lying weasel.

I'm also sorry he's such a coward.

And his cowardice speaks to his character.



In politics, when desperation sets in…when it is looking as though a loss is at hand, you learn the true nature of a candidate's character. And Leavitt, we are learning, when faced with the toughest challenge of his political life, goes negative and gets dirty and avoids taking responsibility for HIS actions by attempting to blame someone else.

This lack of courage, character and integrity not only disqualifies this worm from being elected mayor, it should cause him to resign from his city council seat, since his COMPLETE lack of respect for the franchise of voting shows him up for what he truly is:

A lowlife hypocrite who is a stain on the political process.

And for that, ladies and gentlemen, I apologise on behalf of Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, because he lacks the guts, integrity and character to apologize by resigning for the embarrassment he's caused himself and our community.

And for that, I am truly sorry.

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