Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's failure to vote: Nothing to see here.... move along.

You know, you can see the Steve "I'll take $100,000 in unmarked bills, Mr. Barnett" Stuart influence in Tim's scummy little response:

Leavitt did not dispute the union's account of his voting record. "Making sure to vote is very important, and I regret the instances where I did not register my opinion on the ballot," he said in a statement.

But he added, "This isn't really about my voting record on the ballot. It's my opponent's desperation on the eve of an election where he looks to be losing his longtime control over our city. How does this sleazy maneuver help our struggling communities today?"

So, instead of taking full responsibility for his actions, Tim "The Liar" can only attack his opponent, who had nothing to do with this revelation?

So, no Tim. It really IS about your multiple, repeated failures to vote.

It really IS about YOUR failure to exercise the franchise that tens of thousands have DIED to give you.

It REALLY IS about the FACT that YOU DON'T CARE enough to vote.

Don't try and squirm your way out of it, you little worm. This IS about you.

And no amount of your whining and sniveling will change that.

Gee, Vancouver... is this whiny, snivelly little bitch the kind of leader you want for the city of Vancouver?

Doesn't vote, breaks the law, and then whines when he gets called out over it?

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