Thursday, October 08, 2009

Hhhhmmm...... Two Faces of Tim "The Liar" Leavitt? Or is it just basic incompetence?

So: here we have one Tim "The Liar" Leavitt in the local rag:
Leavitt did not dispute the union's account of his voting record. "Making sure to vote is very important, and I regret the instances where I did not register my opinion on the ballot," he said in a statement.

But he added, "This isn't really about my voting record on the ballot. It's my opponent's desperation on the eve of an election where he looks to be losing his longtime control over our city. How does this sleazy maneuver help our struggling communities today?"

And in the Oregonian across the river? Well, not exactly the same position.

Leavitt at first challenged the accuracy of the report, saying that his campaign supporters had done their own research showing "in the past 10 years I've only missed three voting opportunities."

If, as Tim "The Liar" tells us, this little issue has "...discounted... significance," then why so many versions? Why lie about it?

The stupidity of statement's like this:

He also disputed the union's contention that he didn't vote on three Vancouver School District maintenance and operations levies. Records show that Leavitt didn't live in the district boundaries at the time. Instead, he lived in the Evergreen district -- where he missed two of that district's money measure votes.

Can't be overstated.

It would appear that Leavitt can't even lie properly.... and up to this point, he's been so very good at lying.

The problem here is this:

Leavitt's screwed on this issue. As a result, instead of standing up and taking his medicine like a man... instead of holding himself accountable for his multiple failures in civic duty and acknowledging that those failures make him unfit for ANY elective office; instead of withdrawing from this election and resigning his city council seat, instead of doing the HONORABLE thing...

.... he whines.... and snivels.... and blames others for HIS failures. He's a complete clone of Steve "Easy Money if it's from Barnett" Stuart.

Is that the kind of leadership Vancouver needs... a weasel who deflects, who blames others... who is incapable of manning up and holding himself accountable for being a selfish jerk who thought so little of his civic duties when uncounted thousands of others had made the supreme sacrifice to insure that he could exercise that duty?

I was talking to a friend of mine about this very thing last night. We were downing a couple of aircraft carrier sized-burritos at Peppers, and he looked around and told me, "You know, there are some illegal aliens with better voting trecords that Leavitt."

Yes, the two faces of Tim "The Liar" Leavitt. But even combined, they amount to a squalling little piggy, unfit for the trough, let alone the most critical leadership position in Southwest Washington.

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