Friday, October 02, 2009

This has got to be tough: Someone faking an identity on the Columbian lied that THEY were Tim "The Liar" Leavitt!

It's got to be tough to be a public figure these days, particularly when you're a lying scumbag like Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

Leavitt, who has been scamming people into actually believing he opposes tolls on the massively wasteful, unwanted and unneeded I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project has made a HUGE deal about how he's so "opposed" to tolls.

A search of this blog or google will result in quote after quote where this slimy little worm has REPEATEDLY come out in opposition to tolls.

Of course, to THIS slimeball, he really doesn't care if tolls are imposed; he's so beholding to the special interests that own his ass that he has pledged to support this eye-popping waste of billions EVEN IF IT HAS TOLLS, because, after all, this unprincipled scumbag doesn't want to be an "obstructionist."

Well, imagine my surprise when someone scammed his identity, and engaged in some major revisionist history in the comments section of one of the series of lying propaganda pieces spewed out by our local daily stain on journalism, who's despicable efforts to ram THEIR agenda down our throats has made them a joke in the field of news.

Anywho, this fake Leavitt wrote the following:by

Tim Leavitt : 10/2/09 6:18pm - Report Abuse

There are a lot of great comments here, and I agree with many of you! But I want to be clear about something. Contrary to the statement in this piece, I have not made opposition to tolling a centerpiece of my campaign for Mayor of Vancouver. There are many other issues at stake, and I've been discussing them regularly and in much more depth than my opponent ever could.That tolling has become a primary issue of discussion is true, but that is because I have made REPRESENTING THE CITIZENS of Vancouver the centerpiece of my campaign. There is never only one alternative to solving a problem. Tolling Clark County commuters is just one option, and one that obviously I am not fond of. Unfortunately, it's the only option that has been discussed for much too long now, and incumbent officials have become complacent.The discussion about tolls would be entirely different if there were enough jobs here in our community. If current leadership had spent any effort at all on sustainable job creation. But unfortunately, that hasn't been the case---and now they are telling our commuters that this bridge will be paid for on their backs.

Where to begin?

As I've already stated, the movement AGAINST tolling IS THE ONLY CAMPAIGN CENTERPIECE THIS MORON HAS.

It's the only issue he's known for, the only thing he can lay claim to as a substantial difference between himself and Pollard.

He's making every effort to tap into the anger brightly illustrated by the vast majority of comments preceding the comment of this fake Leavitt's. Where that blew up in his face was when he lacked the guts to come out and put a point on it: he failed to come out and say:
If this bridge has tolls on it, then count me out.

In fact, he's done just the opposite: he's come out and said that requiring tolls will have NO IMPACT ON HIS SUPPORT OF THIS MASSIVE WASTE OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

And this is the main problem when you lack any integrity. You lie so much, for so long, in front of so many, that when you finally realize that people are figuring out that you're a liar, as Tim "The Liar" Leavitt is figuring it out, well, then, it's too late, and you've got to engage in a little revisionist history.

There is only one person who can be blamed for taking this bogus position on tolling. There's only one person who can be blamed for selling out the people of this entire region because he lacks the guts to oppose this unconscionable waste of billions of our dollars, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT IT'S TOLLED.

And that person is our own, slimy little worm, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

But then, this COULDN'T be the real Leavitt, could it? After all, the REAL Leavitt wouldn't ever lie.... would he?

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