Friday, October 02, 2009

FOX is reporting that Chicago has lost their Olympic bid

So... we're out millions and the empty suit couldn't even get THAT right?

Clearly, no amount of lipstick on THAT pig changes it from anything BUT a pig.

You suppose that they were put off by the monumental arrogance and waste represented by the empty suit's wife vaporizing hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars by rolling in a day early... instead of waiting ONE DAY and coming in on the massively wasteful plane trip of her old man?

Nah. Leftist arrogance is attractive, but even that can be over done. Clearly, ol bare arms was a hindrance; and the empty suit's "charm offensive" has been proven to be another waste of time, energy and effort.

The decision was just a few minutes ago.... so: how long until Obama blames Bush for HIS debacle?

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