Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Nah.... THERE'S no leftist bias in the media!

Greg Gutfeld is something of a cynic.

Kinda like me, in that regard, except he's got a TV show, he's much more articulate and about 8 inches shorter.

That an allegedly serious (using the term advisedly) news channel would engage in this pompous nonsense speaks for itself. That the legs tingling over at CNN, who's in-kinds for the empty suit's campaign would account to millions of dollars if they had charged for them suddenly felt a sharp cramp; a "disturbance in the leftist force," as it were, is obvious.

Greg takes it from here. And DVR or check out Red Eye on FOX every week day at midnight, and at 9 p.m. most Saturdays and Sundays.

It amounted to breaking news for CNN`s Wolf Blitzer: Saturday Night Live doing a skit, in which they skewer Barack Obama. It was a concept so profoundly distasteful, that it left Wolf incredulous – worse than when he was humiliated on Jeopardy.
At any rate, this first ever comprehensive fact-check of an SNL skit might be the strangest piece of media analysis I've ever seen.
Check it out, check-it-outers.
Now, wouldn`t you know, according to CNN`s analysis, the skit "missed the mark." This is a not a fair portrayal, they whine - which is not surprising, coming from a network blinded by the President`s pocket lint. But forgive me for being both flabbered and gasted, but have you ever seen a news network review a comedy sketch for fairness? Did CNN ever do this when SNL went after Bush, Palin, or any other Republican?
But look, I don`t expect that. Reviewing an SNL skit for accuracy is like reviewing McDonalds for their wine list. So what`s the explanation? My guess is this segment was manufactured immediately after being asked for by someone living in a big house with a huge ego and now, bruised feelings.
It reminds me of a pal receiving shabby service at a restaurant, then imploring friends to write withering reviews on the joint`s website (okay, that was me).
But the funniest part in all this? That CNN missed the big story, completely overlooking Fred Armison`s skit sabatoge[sic]. In the history of television, I don`t think you could find another actor more offended by his own job, which was playing Obama
negatively. You could find more sincerity from a hostage reading a ransom note complimenting his captors. Seriously, I half-expected him to blink in Morse code, pleading for help.
In the end, it makes me wonder if CNN's analysis of SNL was a skit in itself -a brilliant Onion evisceration designed to poke fun of a network so in the tank for Obama that a skit on the Messiah short circuits their powers of reason. But if CNN has truly decided this is a worthy exercise – why stop with skits? I saw a recent "Animals Gone Wild" video where it was clear a cocky matador was way too harsh on a bull.
And if you disagree with me, then you're probably a racist.
Just so.


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