Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The leftists and their lies about I-1033

I admit it: I support 1033.

Over time, it has become increasingly clear that leftist scum will lie about anything. For me, that the Vancouver Education Association opposes this initiative is a stand-along reason to support it, since teachers have proven time and time again that their only concern is for themselves.

Their continuing lie that this has anything to do with Colorado's temporarily suspended TABOR law is just that, a lie. But like the local rag and our country's democrat leadership, the left has shown that their is no lie they won't tell to further their agenda.

In all the whining and sniveling in this particular leftist propaganda, absolutely ZERO mention is made of the ability of scum like these to take the simple expedient of ASKING us to fund their greed.

WE pay the bills. The very idea that in times like these, WE should have no say in the matter of when, how and how much is spent is absurd nonsense.

It's the same kind of lies these same kind of people spewed when the late and lamented I-601, or the end of the world as we know it crap of I-200, or certainly the "knock the world off it's axis" of I-695.... or even the out and out lies of the gas tax that we needed so desperately, the gas tax that was going to do OH SO much... only to discover that the project list was and is a fictional sham, long since whacked by around 40%.

The moron running the show, Governor Stupido, was out bleating just the other day that she might have to raise taxes. Well, one could only hope that she tries this stunt next legislative session.... just in time for the spool up to the 2010 general.

The despicable and predictable leftists running the rag will certainly urge us to all vote "no" on I-1033, and cite many of the same lies the scum in this column will use.

But with the tax bit in Christine's mouth, NOW becomes the most important time in this state's history to reign in government.

The very idea so terrifies the leftist with their fangs buried so far in the taxpayer's jugular... that it leads them to lie like these two lied. And because these scum failed to even mention the voter option of I-1033, every thing they sniveled was just that; a lie.

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