Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Limbaugh and the NFL issue.

So... let me get this straight.

An Obama leg-humper like "Fergie" will have no trouble getting a piece of the Miami Dolphins ownership pie (Which Fergie and a growing group of minority owners in the franchise apparently view as something of a fashion accessory) but Limbaugh has been blackballed by scum like Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton (I wonder how Al would like it if he was ever kept from getting a radio show because of his rampant bigoted racism? Would that be just swell with him?) and communist democrat racist bigot Sheila Jackson Lee, to our everlasting embarrassment and shame a member of Congress from becoming a minority owner of an NFL Franchise?

So, we can allow a slimeball back into the game who visited agony upon agony on dogs for a fricking HOBBY to come back in and PLAY, but because Limbaugh has SAID some things these scumbags don't like, HE is excluded? HE is discriminated against?

What laws has Limbaugh violated?


Yet the NFL is FULL of players who've violated the law in everything from drugs to sexual assault and in some cases, getting cleared for murder.

So, why is it that these scum aren't at least held up to the same standard as Limbaugh?

Why is it that these racist bigots are able to impact a business decision like this?

Why is this OK?

It isn't.

You know, I have never seen the Seahawks play in their new stadium. I actually never will, given the history of that facility and the massive abuse of the taxpayer, ignored by the legislature that allowed a slime ball billionaire to rip us off for hundreds of millions of dollars to keep a football team here.

I'm strange, that way. I've only set foot in the Vancouver Hilton, once, and that was at the behest and support of a client and friend of mine... and I will never go back... all for the same reason: the abuse of the taxpayer, in this case, fostered by the city council.

I played the game for roughly 22 years: Little league, high school, military, college) and my old body is something of a wreck because of it. I've lived and breathed football for over 40 years... even went out and bought a 72 inch HD unit to watch it. But this is it.

Ultimately, if the NFL determines that someone can be kept out of franchise ownership because of the racist bigotry of the few... particularly the few not involved in the ownership of that franchise, then I will never watch another NFL game, ever, anywhere. And that includes television.

It's not that I'm a big Rush fan. On the contrary, all too often in the past when I did listen, it seemed like you could avoid listening for 6 months, listen again, and it would seem like you hadn't missed anything.

But what I AM a huge fan of is freedom. I am a HUGE fan of freedom of speech.

Just for one example, I believe that the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House has damaged us for untold generations. But unless he's convicted of doing something illegal... something like, well, watching the slaughter of dogs for sport and making money off of that peculiar hobby; I don't believe that if he has the money, he should be disqualified from owning part of an NFL team.

But then, I also don't believe in the leftist, racist double standard, either.

But, like the idiotic decision of NASCAR to go to cookie cutter, no-difference cars resulted in me ignoring them: I can live without NFL football if they're going to base their ownership decisions on discriminatory, made up as they go-along racist bigoted policies that turn my stomach.

Their call. And while I'm not particularly one who's fond of lawyers; if, ultimately, Rush is kept out of ownership because of the left's bigotry, then I hope he sues the NFL's ass off.

But if, as a report I've just seen says, Rush is out?

Then so am I.


  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Would you like to work for a company that is owned by Al Sharpton?

  2. Saint Charles the Barkley once was quoted as saying this:

    "If the money was right, I'd play for the Klan."

    At the end of the day, Rush was persecuted in this matter for his political views. Others in the past have done that sort of thing... names like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Obama come to mind.

    Frankly, as a country, I apparently wrongly believed us to better than that.

    Since you asked.


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