Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Columbian blows the call AGAIN: No on 1033.

It's not terribly surprising that a paper that has long since given up any pretense of putting people ahead of their government would fail to endorse this common-sense initiative.

It's also not terribly surprising that like every other leftist organization foaming at the mouth at the idea of implementing taxing and spending limits that the drug-addled (Or in this case, money-addled) governments at all levels seem incapable of imposing on themselves, seem equally incapable of coming up with any sort of alternative, viable or otherwise.

It's difficult to read this kind of propaganda and lies from our local paper. As I'm writing this, I've been unable to make it past the line "governments would be denied recovery," for example is one of the more blatant lies this stain on journalism has engaged in. It's also a matter of perspective: our local cancer of the community advocates for GOVERNMENT when they SHOULD be advocating for the people.

Is it going out too far on a limb to venture the allegation that this same kind of nonsense spewed forth from these same pages on I-601, I 695, and I-747?

Of COURSE THIS paper would not want to see laws changed that might make it more difficult for their leftist friends in the legislature, who provided them with a massive B&O tax cut in the midst of a $10 billion state deficit, to further bail out this abysmal stain on journalism with our money if that money available is reduced.

The fringe leftist nut jobs running this rag seem incapable of understanding how bad we, the people, actually have it. That they cannot seem to get it is a fascinating study, given the number of times this rag has circled the drain itself. But it's a failure to grasp this concept that provides this paper with the necessary arrogance to shill an unneeded and unwanted I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project that will cost 65,000 plus commuters upwards of $1300 each per year for THEIR pet project that THEY won't have to pay for.

The lies at the various levels of government posted in this crock of crap ALL fail to rely on the FACT that ALL of these whining, sniveling governments who see their empires threatened by this initiative have the ability to ASK US.

That's right. They can ask us if we want to give more money to government, a concept apparently as alien to this morons as common sense.

Note that in this despicable garbage heap of an editorial, ALL of their concern is for government. NONE of their concern is for those of us actually paying the bills.

But then, given their history of lies, exaggerations, twisted "polls" and the like, is that any surprise?

They stick to their utterly moronic idea that we should let our governments run wild, spending and taxing however the special interests de jour may impact the outcomes. They say this kind of crap as if we, the voters, may simply wave some sort of wand and undo all the damage these clowns accomplish in between elections.

The idiocy of this is obvious to anyone knowledgeable about the Washington State Constitution, which states:
POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed...
So, the moronic idea that we should just "let legislators legislate" is nothing more than an endorsement of the system this rag has directly benefited from at OUR expense, and an endorsement of the system that has buried us in debt; a system they WANT to impose a massive cost on for their silly-assed bridge and loot rail, and a system where the complete lack of self-control has resulted in a sickening state financial picture that our government wants to improve by jacking up our taxes in the midst of this horrific recession.

The hypocrisy of this garbage is obvious. If the legislature wasn't doing precisely and exactly what these scum wanted, they would be the first to demand that the people mobilize and take control through this very same process.

It's all well and good to let "legislators legislate," when those sent up there are doing your will. But this despicable waste of wood pulp has yet to explain how we, the people, can find a way to undo the damage these clowns frequently do after we've voted them out.

The people did not, for example, want the Hilton subsidized with out tax dollars. How, to continue the example, can voting the clowns out who supported suing the people of this community into silence, another despicable act the morons running this rag supported; undo the Hilton deal?

It can't.

But these scum SUPPORT the idea that we, the people, should abrogate our responsibility and authority at all times to those who govern us, save at the polls where yes, we can vote them out, but no, voting them out will not undo the damage they've caused, or restore the will expressed by the people, once again ignored by those who are supposed to be looking out for us.

So, how about this: instead of the asinine idea that we ignore our responsibilities and hide our respective heads in the sand while we ignore everything the legislature does; how about we resume control over our government and make them come to US to ask US if what they're doing us OK with US, instead of signing off on the leftists ideas furthered by this waste of space that government knows best and that we shouldn't have any say on those things WE have to pay for.

There's both a history and a reason why this cancer in our community doesn't want us to have a say.

And I, for one, am heartily sick of it.

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