Thursday, October 01, 2009

Congratulations to the Columbian for crushing a blog opposing your propaganda: clarkblog is no more.

The comment received on my post yesterday below says it all:
I was sad to discover a "farewell" message from the chief, Bob Koski, when I checked in at yesterday. I think it was up for maybe 24 hours before he "pulled the plug" on his blog. He mentioned how his enemies had stepped up their attack on him, & that his health wasn't up for the fight.

While I am sorry to have seen it come to that. I respect Bob's decision. I hope to see someone take up where he left off.s to

Hail to THE CHIEF!

I view this as an attack on ALL of us.

This big-bully attitude; the idea that those opposing your propaganda must be silenced, that the Nazi way, so beloved by our local rag and our Cowardman leads to this... silencing the largest clearing house of information at the street level for us mere mortals is, perhaps, the most disgusting crap, in a mountain of feces, that our local stain on journalism has ever engaged in.

The rank hypocrisy of this is obvious; Freedom of the Press is not an arcane or nebulous concept that applies only to something laughingly called a newspaper. Freedom of Speech is not something that begins and ends in the ghetto-fab hallways of the most damaging influence in the Northwestern United States.

I'm sorry that it seems to have taken such a toll on Bob Koski, proprietor of I wish that he had found a way, but he fought the good fight, the brilliant fight and put up with truck loads of garbage that would have crushed lesser men or women much sooner.

I didn't always agree with Bob or other posters on clarkblog. But I ALWAYS agreed with their RIGHT to speak their minds.

To George, who asked on his blog "So, now, what do I do with it?"   I say: Pick up the mantle established by those who've fought the fight. Speak your mind. Call "bullshit" on the mighty. Don't let those who hide under the now non-existent cloak of fairness, of in-depth fact gathering, of unbiased, non-responsive blather where those wise enough to disagree are publicly humiliated, attacked and belittled by big, tough guys hiding behind barrels of ink get away with it.

Never, EVER allow the judgment of those with a nonsensical agenda where they, somehow, are magically imbued with knowledge or vision they believe to be oh, so, superior to our own push you around. When scum like the Columbian attempt to ram their agenda's down OUR throats... when, for example, they would task US with paying for THEIR vision at the rate of $1300 or more per year, a fee THEY will not have to pay; stand up to them. Call them the lying, thieving scum they are. DEMAND that they do the RIGHT thing, EVERY time.... and not just when, as is so often the case, it's convenient for the asshats running their show.

Speak truth to power.

When our Cowardman lies, like he did about fake death threats, call his cowardly ass out. When the president lies or ignores another in the series of his campaign promises, long forgotten but rarely mentioned as he shatters them so effortlessly; as he haslied about issue after issue while this disgrace of a newspaper remains silent (after all, they endorsed that dillwad, and they're no more capable of admitting they were wrong then they are of using common sense.) point out his lies.

When government abuses us (A thousand dollar permit fee for a $4500 car port? Really?) then call them out on it.

Be fearless. Be correct. Make your mistakes loudly. And never, ever be afraid.

When Laird is printed, nail that fringe-left moron. When Brancaccio snivels about "civility" and then ignores his same standard or allows his own staff to ignore it, nail him for his rank hypocrisy. When the local rag lies, as they have so many times in the past, in an effort to buttress their agenda at our expense, then blast them for the intellectual cowards they are.

If the local rag was fair; if they were not complete leftists, if they didn't engage in rank hypocrisy and double standard in everything from their editorials to their endorsements... if they did their fricking jobs... then our blogs wouldn't be necessary.

If they didn't use their positions of privilege to help those they favor, as they have spent so much time, effort and energy to rehab Cowardman Brian Baird's image, or attack those they disagreed with as if somehow only THEIR vision was worthy or of merit, then, well, these blogs wouldn't be necessary.

But this rag is accountable to no one. Their subscription numbers are diving into the tank, and editorial introspection is such an arcane concept to these fringe left scum that they have no real clue why.

I've been disgusted by the despicable acts of this rank excuse of a newspaper before. But their effort here has sunk to new lows.

My health is great. I look forward to ANY attempt to silence me.

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