Thursday, September 17, 2009

On this, the 70th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland, What do Neville Chamberlain and Barack Obama have in common?

They both sold out tens of millions of people in Eastern Europe.

Like many leftists, Obama is a coward who disdains the military. Unfortunately, he also disdains freedom for others when it's difficult to maintain, and once again, he has sold out a people who made the mistake of believing in the United States of America; an all too frequently fatal foreign policy for those stupid enough to make that mistake (See Vietnam under Nixon and Ford; Kurdistan under Bush 1, and now Eastern Europe under the sell-out in the White House.)

For those unaware of who Neville Chamberlain might be (and, I fear, that is the majority of those reading this) he was an easily manipulated, apparently quite gullible but affable idiot who, as Prime Minister of England, cheerfully sold out millions of people in Czechoslovakia (Now the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic) to Hitler so we could have "Peace in our time."

Chamberlain became synonymous with "appeasement." In fact, Chamberlain even called his knee-pad efforts with the Reich "The General Policy of Appeasement." The end result?

60,000,000 dead.

Neville Chamberlain holding the paper containing the resolution to commit to peaceful methods signed by both Hitler and himself on his return from Munich. He is showing the Anglo-German Declaration to a crowd at Heston Aerodrome on 30 September 1938. He said:

"...the settlement of the Czechoslovakian problem, which has now been achieved is, in my view, only the prelude to a larger settlement in which all Europe may find peace. This morning I had another talk with the German Chancellor, Herr Hitler, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine (waves paper to the crowd - receiving loud cheers and "Hear Hears"). Some of you, perhaps, have already heard what it contains but I would just like to read it to you ...".

Later that day he stood outside Number 10 Downing Street and again read from the document and concluded:

'"My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time."

So, uh, Prime Minster... how'd that work out for you?

That, of course, brings us to the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot who is our president.

Utterly clueless on domestic policy in ways that made arguably the worst president in the 20th century, democrat Jimmy Carter look intelligent and visionary in comparison; his now-again confirmed incompetent foreign policy where he apparently views the increasingly imperialist Russia as just a big ol friendly bear WILL cost US blood.... much like it HAS cost us blood as the Russians play the Iranians off of us and we respond like a tarantula to a tarantula wasp.

Unfortunately, our affirmative action president apparently never heard of Hitler, Chamberlain or World War Two. Before he sets up the Russians to rule Europe again, perhaps he ought to review a few videos.... maybe read a few books... because feeding Soviet hegemony (I mean, Russian hegemony) will have the same effect.

It was bad enough that we sat on our thumbs and allowed the Russian experiment where they tested our resolve by quietly allowing them to invade an ally not so long ago; cowering in the face of the threat is rarely a suitable or appropriate strategy. Regardless of any other response from the Soviets, what they're THINKING is that they can game the punk in the White House and get anything they want, whenever they want it, because Obama apparently fails to understand that testicles have other uses besides providing sperm for children.

It is unthinkable to those with a strategic view that the United States would allow anyone to dictate our relations to any other country. The result? We have GIVEN the Russians the very thing they wanted. This PARTICULAR capitulation by this complete moron is apparently being done in the HOPE that Russia will FINALLY do something about Iranian nukes.

Of course, what that simple minded short-busser forgot is that the Soviets (I mean, Russians) are just as concerned about Iranian nukes as we are. Russia, of course, is a nation of infidels just like we are, and Muslim hatred for Russia because of, among other things, Chetsnia and Afghanistan is palpable.

So, what's happened here is that the Russians were playing chicken.... and WE blinked. So, we've apparently done this in the HOPE that by caving on this deal, the Russians MIGHT finally get around to doing what they would have to do in their OWN national interests anyway.


And while Chamberlain and Obama have their policy of appeasement in common; a policy that WILL result in death and destruction has it has so many, many times before; the fact is that Obama, moronically enough, won't even have a piece of paper to wave around like that idiot Chamberlain.

What did the United States GET for this moronic cave-in?


Man.... doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Obama has sold out millions, the Russians (again) get what they want, and we, as well as the people of Eastern Europe have absolutely not one damned thing to show for it.

Clearly, this simple idiot knows as much about foreign policy as he does about health care policy. And both seem to be working equally well.

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