Friday, September 18, 2009

If it's important to Clark County, you'll read about it in the Oregonian: Beset by money woes, I-5 Bridge project looks at cuts.

I'll be the first to admit that the Columbian has wasted thousands of barrels of ink in their ongoing, more-than -a-decade-long effort to scam us into paying for their agenda.

In this instance, it is the massive, criminally huge waste of $4 to $10 billion or so replacement of a perfectly good bridge to get loot rail into Vancouver; an unneeded and unwanted community accessory overwhelmingly rejected over 10 years ago at the polls.

Of course, these scum don't want us to have a say on THIS issue, because the"say" we would have "might" not be the "say" THEY want to hear.

It goes without saying that these morons are assigning the vast majority of the cost for this humongous blot on democracy in Southwest Washington won't have to pay for it. Nope, that's a massive mission THEY would assign to US, to the tune of at least $1300 or more a year to the commuters of Clark County, sucking tens of millions out of our local economy for their nefarious purposes.

Well, the local newspaper of record (The Oregonian), that has already provided proof that this monstrosity will do absolutely nothing to decrease congestion or increase freight mobility, is telling us the following:
Money woes and politics now threaten to pull the plug on the $4 billion project
to replace Interstate 5's Columbia River bridge.

The bridge/loot rail project has become a political football. One candidate was elected opposing this steaming pile; one candidate for mayor is lying about his position on tolls... the other really hasn't said what he would do if the tolls came back exceeding the $2 limit he's put on it... the city council incumbents all support Adam's rather petulant position of my way or the highway.

Here's what anyone not blinded by rank political ambition knows (You listening, Liar?) this bridge CANNOT be built without huge tolls. It MAY not be buildable WITH huge tolls, but it CANNOT be built without tolls.

Except for one political scumbag, everybody acknowledges that fact.

Here's another fact:

Because the scum ramming this thing down our throats will not allow us to vote on ALL of it, the people will be so furious when they are allowed to vote on ANY of it that the overwhelming vote against financing loot rail will make the 70-30 "no" vote look like a fender-bender in comparison.

NO one advocating this pile of crap should be re-elected to any office UNLESS they DEMAND a COUNTY WIDE vote, FIRST.

And none of these scum or the rank hypocrites of the local paper have done that.

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