Friday, September 04, 2009

Van Jones: He's still got a job? Can you hear the deafening silence from the left?

The Van Jones idiocy continues. That this man has a job ANYWHERE is astounding, given his rank bigotry and hatred. That the left remains unalterably silent is the epitome of the typical rank hypocrisy and double standard that represents the hallmark of the ilk. Take our own despicable rag. Run a search on their website for "Van Jones," and what do you get?

Nothing. Because their "protect all democrats, but especially that moron Obama" policy won't allow them to print any of this stuff... since Jones and Obama are, well, leftists.

If the roles were reversed and the issue was about the GOP... well, they'd have to order a lot more ink since they'd have went through all the barrels on hand raking the GOP over the coals.

So, the architect of our 9.7% (admitted) unemployment rate (How's that "8% if the stimulus is passed" working for you, moron?) (Next stop, Jimmy Carterville) hired this waste of skin. We have only two choices when it comes to reviewing that decision:

The empty suited, anti-American racist bigot that is our President was so incompetent that he didn't KNOW these little factoids about his racist bigot in charge of green job development; or he certainly DID know, and decided to give someone who shared his world view about so MANY things a job in his White House.

The second option leads to the following conclusions:

In keeping with his utter political incompetence and cluelessness, like his moronic health care plan, this idiot had precisely ZERO idea this thing was going to blow up in his political face, further staining an already clueless administration.

Or in his monumental arrogance, this moron decided he didn't care about hiring this offensive communist scumbag, and decided that he'd do it anyway, and damn the consequences.

Either way, this political clown proves his failure as president every day in every way.

Because, as I pointed out here, if the show were on the other foot; if it was McCain in the White House and he hired a right wing whack job who engaged in such massively racist and bigoted behavior towards the left, the media would be all over this like white on rice, we'd have rioting in the streets, floor speeches in Congress and the Senate demanding the president's impeachment and that the right wing scumbag a fictional McCain (who would never, on his worse day, consider hiring a clown like Jones) had hired by hung from the nearest lamp post.

But then, that is the rank hypocrisy of the left.

When a leftist scumbag like Obama hires someone like this pathetic creature... well... that's DIFFERENT. It's kinda like Rangel, much more corrupt then, say Randy Cunningham on his worse day... a consummate liar who tried to hide hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets on his financial disclosure forms... corruption that would have led to indictments and prison time... but which has, in fact, led to THAT scumbag's continuing Chairmanship of, what was it... House Appropriations?

So yeah... it's DIFFERENT when leftist scum do this sort of thing.

Except it ISN'T different. Leftists are all about stamping our corruption when right wing scum engage in the process. But when it comes to their own?

Not so much.

Imagine how much better off the world generally, and our country specifically, would be if these scum would just apply the SAME standards to themselves that they apply to those wise enough to disagree with their political clownmanship.

Get rid of this clown, now, Mr. President. Every second he remains a part of YOUR government is a reflection on YOU. Keep him around, and he will drag YOU down with him.

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