Friday, September 04, 2009

Leavitt the Liar: He DOES support tolls!

All along, Tim Leavitt has been lying.

Leavitt, best known for manipulating the few eligible-to-vote hispanics in Vancouver into endorsing him by manipulating their politically ignorant leadership, has been a militant supporter of both the unneeded, unwanted and moronically wasteful I-5 bridge replacement AND the EQUALLY unneeded, unwanted and moronically wasteful loot rail that is the entire reason behind replacing the I-5 bridge in the first place, since there IS no other reason to do so.

Well, today, it was put to him.

Leavitt, who serves on the project sponsors council with Vancouver Mayor Royce Pollard, has made his opposition to bridge tolls a centerpiece of his mayoral campaign.

In an interview afterward, Leavitt said he intends to press the federal government to pick up the cost of the $3.2 billion project. "Tolls are still not on the table for me," he said. When pressed to say whether he’d rule out supporting a new bridge if a toll became unavoidable, Leavitt indicated he wouldn’t go that far.

"I’m not an obstructionist," he said.

So, if he's "not an obstructionist," then what he ABSOLUTELY IS is a LIAR. Taking the correct, principled stand against this moronic idiocy if people will have to pay an additional $1300 a year tax to work in Oregon has nothing to do with "obstructionism." What it has to do with is common sense. And this one statement by Leavitt proves that he not only supports the bridge and loot rail... but he ASLO supports tolls as well, since there is precisely NO way this pig will be built without tolls.

I know it; Pollard knows it, and Leavitt damned well knows it.

To claim you won't accept tolls ("Tolls are not on the table for me") and then refuse to oppose the bridge replacement loot rail scam if tolls are required ("I'm not an obstructionist") is to admit you ARE a lying scumbag.

And yes, Tim... that means you.

As I've said many times before, neither Pollard nor Leavitt should be in government in any capacity. But at least Pollard has the guts to unabashedly stand by what he says.

Leavitt, on the other hand, is a total weasel. He's TRYING to get people to believe he's against tolls when anyone paying attention knows that's a lie. What he's TRYING (and clearly succeeding to a degree) to do is to scam people into thinking he's principled and has integrity and that he means what he says.

But that's a lie, because if he actually MEANT what he said, then he'd pull the trigger and tell the scum ramming this garbage down our throats the fact of the matter: if this pig has to have tolls, then I will oppose it with everything I have.

FAILING to do this, as Tim has FAILED to do this just means that he's TRYING to have his cake and eat it to. Gutless little worm.

God, I am so sick of scumbag manipulators like Leavitt I just want to blow chunks. I hate them and everything they represent.

Is it any wonder that Commissioner Steve "Yeah, Barnett bought me for $100,000... what about it?" Stuart supports this scumbag?

Sickening. Absolutely sickening.

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