Thursday, September 24, 2009

More fringe left hero-worship of the ACORN-in-Chief by our local waste of pulp.

Yesterday, the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot, so admired by his fellow communist, Castro; and essentially "owned" by his soul brother Qaddafi, gave one of the most politically inept and ignorant foreign policy speeches ever uttered by a sitting president; well, at least since his fellow democrat Carter had the job; and our local stain on journalism slobbers all over themselves in adoration.

The moron who wrote that garbage tells us: "Obama's message to world leaders is clear"

On that much, of course, everyone can agree.

It's clear he's selling out Israel. It's clear he sold out Eastern Europe to the Soviets (I mean the Russians) It's clear he, personally, will allow the psychotic Iranians to develop nukes. It's clear that he's a cowardly moron, incapable of standing up for what's right and what's just.

Here's the speech he SHOULD have given.

"Thanks for coming by and listening. This is how it's going to go.

Any attack on Israel by anyone is an attack on democracy everywhere. With the first attack, we will cut off all foreign aid to the country where the attack comes from. Thus, it's in that country's best interests to protect their borders from such attacks. Foreign aid will be restored at one half the prior level, 6 months after the last attack.

The money we save from ending foreign aid will be used to offset the costs of providing Israeli security. You people don't like it? You don't want to use the dollar as the standard trade currency? Swell. Get your free money somewhere else.

We will begin conventional bombing operations against Iran before the end of this speech.

We are going to start with all military assets and if Iranian support for terrorism does not stop, we will then begin to destroy civilian architecture. Interference with American affairs will no longer be tolerated, and those who draw blood from us are going to suffer a terrible price.

As a nation, we are tired of Iranians murdering our military members with impunity. We have no interest in simply sitting back and allowing you to become a nuclear power so you can use that threat against your neighbors. Any nuclear attack from Iran to anywhere will be met with massive retaliation that will eliminate Iran as a country.

To that end, you have one week to run over the entirety of you nuclear program, including all materials, plans, structures and personnel. Failure to do so will result in immediate and massive conventional bombing of your civilian infrastructure.

If things like running water and electricity are of particular note to you, then you had better pay attention.... because in a short time, you will have neither.

To the people of Iran, your government is your business. You continue to allow a repressive, psychotic nutjob to run your country... but you do so at your own risk. The time has come to put an end to the threat that is Iran. Further, the time for "talk" has ended.

It is now time to act.

In Eastern Europe, we will be installing a massive missile defense shield to help protect our NATO allies.

I admit it; we screwed up when I foolishly and stupidly told the Russians we would not set up the missile defense system promised by the prior administration... in the vein hope that Russia would join with us to help control that whackjobs running Iran. That was no excuse.

Right or wrong, we gave our word. Our word MUST be something that can be counted on around the world.

Once given, there will be no intransigence, no hesitation, no prevarication. Once given, we will keep our end of the bargain.

And if Russia believes these defenses are aimed at them, I would point out that, unless Russia has any designs that would REQUIRE defenses on other countries, then even if those defenses ARE aimed at Russia; Russia should not care.

These weapons will be entirely and only defensive in nature. Why should Russia concern itself with the defensive actions of others?"

The rest of this speech SHOULD have been along these lines covering energy, human rights and trade and the like.

Instead, it was another of his "blame America First" productions, so beloved by leftist scum... such as those cranking out our local disgrace to journalism... the embarrassment of our community.

These types of editorials are inevitable. When a leftist rag endorses a fellow fringer, they really have no choice but to continue the charade that their decision to become left wing lap dogs was somehow justified, especially now that this blithering idiot is telling them that they'll be getting a taxpayer-financed bail out.

Yup. Fringe-left journalism at its finest.

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