Thursday, September 24, 2009

Imagine my surprise when I found out that one of the most clueless politicians ever was running for the US Senate!

Yes.... Our own Craig Williams apparently didn't get either of the two memos from the last election: Politically, he doesn't know what he's talking about.... and politically, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

The first memo was a result of the actual vote during the primary. Williams did an abysmal job with his leftwing agenda, and managed just under 5% in the primary.


Having had his ass handed to him in a basket by the electorate, he then proceeds to assure the Columbian that, well, Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke, wouldn't be.

Further, this clown wants an unneeded, unwanted and hugely wasteful I-5 Bridge replacement complete with loot rail... and he wants all that without a vote.

So, why should we vote for a political moron to represent us in the senate? Don't we already have that, both in the senate and the White House?

Craig SHOULD have taken the clue. Now he's going to go out and get humiliated at the polls AGAIN, and running as a fake Republican ain't gonna help.

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