Friday, August 07, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (IV) Democrat Rep. Adam Smith - even if the protests are organized, 'what’s wrong with that?'"

At least TWO democrats gets it: Larsen (D-WA2) and Smith (D-WA9)

Smith and Larsen are both going forward with their town halls during the recess.

“It comes with the job,” Smith said. “They aren’t protesters. They are constituents speaking their minds.”

Smith said even if the protests are organized, “what’s wrong with that?”

Larsen said people have a right to show up and speak their minds. Supporters of a government-run health care system, also known as single-payer, have also been vocal at his town hall meetings.

So... how come these two democrats have the guts to face THEIR constituents, while the little worm representing us does not?

Does Brian Baird have a political death wish? Is this political self-immolation the act of someone planning on running for re-election?

It sure doesn't seem like it.


  1. Baird is a coward! How is doing the townhall via phone going to stop "shouting"?

  2. I'm beginning to think he's lost his mind.


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